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AN: On the side is an example of Regency-styled architecture. John Nash, an architect pratroned by Prince Regent (George IV), instigated the style. The example is a depiction of The Quadrant at Regent Street in London since its rebuilding which he designed. As you read, note [*] where this image is relevant. READ ON!




Modern Day

Oriane Moore could not believe she was... what did her great-grandmother call her - an elemental?

She believed it was just a joke.


Except her great-grandmother never joked.

It was a month after the summer solstice in London. The days were finally beginning to cool - just slightly - after a particularly warm summer period. A typical English early evening breeze whiffed in through a window, lifting her soft blonde locks.

Oriane opened the doors to her huge balcony to let some air into her spacious apartment in Kensington, one of the most expensive districts in the city overlooking Hyde Park. Her huge blue eyes soaked in the landscape.

She was going to miss this place.

She huddled up a few pillows and blankets on her window porch, fluffing it up and making sure it's comfortable.

Oriane planned on making herself a nice cup of hot chocolate and read the daily paper then maybe after, fish out that steamy novel she hid beneath the window seat.

It felt necessary to spend her last few hours basking in the little pleasures of her home.

Oriane had full cheeks and a pointed chin that was led by a dainty nose, slightly upturned with an aristocratic air. Her soft delicate features made her look far younger than she was when she had already turned sixteen more than a half year ago. 

Toffee, her cat, jumped up onto the porch and quickly made herself comfortable in the soft plushy pile.

She was a lovely cat with lush dark caramel fur, except for that front right paw which was white. She always looked like she had dipped her paw into some white paint.

"Toffee, this is my seat," Oriane giggled as she shooed her cat away.

She turned on the kettle, took out the Cadbury chocolate powder from the cabinets above head and headed to the front door to pick up the paper.

Oriane had lived in London all her life. Well, all the life she remembered anyway. The only family member she was aware she had was her great-grandmother whom she only met once when she was but a small child. There would be postcards from all around the world sent to her from time to time signed 'Great Granny'.

No return address, of course.

She had no recollection of whom her parents were. From the day she remembered, she had been nursed in this apartment. Nannies, cleaners, and chefs would drop by, but none ever stayed too long for her to form a relationship with them. The year she turned fifteen, the caretakers stopped coming, replaced by a debit card left on the kitchen bench.

It was a strange circumstance to live in, as though she were in a reality TV show. Kind of like that creepy film she watched the other day. What was it called... 'Oldboy'?

But at least the credit was amazing. Every time she withdrew an amount, it replenishes itself the next day. However, there was a cap on the amount she may withdraw per month.

In any event, it allowed for a truly lavish home and nice clothes on her part.

Oriane figured the credit was a consolation benefit to having no parents and no one to talk to at home, except her cat.

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