Somehow (Paul imprint story) Ch 7

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 Aidan’s POV

“Well, see you soon.”

Tania chirped back happily, twirling her golden hair round and round her finger. I sent her one of my dazzling smile and turned to leave.

See you soon...not...

I opened the car door and expected a cheerful Mavis waiting for her beloved Cadbury chocolate, but instead I found...nothing.

No Mavis.

No smile.

You have to be kidding me...

I banged my head on the roof of my car and swore under my breath.

Where is Mavis?

I chucked the chocolate onto the chair where Mavis was sitting and slammed the door shut in annoyance. I rushed back into the patrol station, hoping Mavis would still be inside.

Only she wasn’t.

The only person there left was that blondie, a smirk on her heavily make-up face.

“Miss me already?”

A snort almost escaped my mouth but I suppressed at the last minute. I turned and shook my head at her with that same irritating smirk glued to my face. “Sorry but no.”

So with that, I left Tania to deal with her own depression.

Mavis’s POV

In front of me, stood a stunningly handsome man. His pale white skin contrast well with his dark wavy hair. I couldn’t help but glanced at him again without a sound. I watched as he moved closer towards me but I could soon sense the uneasiness in the air, almost as if he was preying on me. I stood up and collected my bags, focusing my eyes on this strangely good-looking man.

 Now, how am I going to get out of this?

To my annoyance, that creepy man started to circle around me, making me feel real vulnerable. I took a small step forward and although he was at least one or two metres away from me. It only took him two seconds to appeared right in front of me.

“Not too fast, pretty girl.”

His Russian accent was thick, making his voice sounded deep. I froze on the spot, eager to get out of his strong and freezing grip that he has placed on my arm.

“Um...Would you be able to let me go...Please?” I tried as I struggled to move my arm, not succussing at all. I soon watched helplessly as it turned to an ugly shade of purple then blue.

“Let you go? Why would I do such thing?” He replied, ignoring my almost-dead arm.

“Umm...because you are...nice?” I tried again but knew that my hopes are dim. If I don’t lose my life from this, I will at least lose my precious right arm.

“Nice?” His laugh was cold and there was no humour beneath it. It made me shiver terribly. “Would you ever let your lunch go after it sets on the table?”

I clutched onto the handle of my suitcase and swallowed nervously.

Lunch? What’s wrong with this man?

“Excuse me?”

He shook his head at me, his eyes travelling to from my head to my toes. This action reminded me of Aidan.

Oh dammit. Now I miss his stupid jokes and comments.

“Look at you, you weak little human. What can you do to save your life?” The man mumbled to himself, although clearly loud enough for me to hear.

I gave my arm a shook but I can longer felt it. I whined and slumped my shoulders.

“Given up already? Good.” He shot me a malicious smile and finally loosen my dead arm. “Now, it’s my turn to have some fun. Don’t worry, it won’t las-“

Except he wasn’t able to finish his sentence, he was suddenly knocked over by a blur of dark silver.

A loud squeal filled the air and then I realised that I was the one who was squealing. I quickly clamed my left hand over my mouth and scrambled out of the way.

What is wrong with La Push?

Aidan’s POV

I wandered towards the forest and a familiar ear-piercing squeal was heard in the air. It was suddenly stopped short and I ran towards the noise.

Mavis? You better be alive?

My blood went cold as I came closer and closer to the growling and rumbling.

“Mavis? Are you here?” I yelled as I pushed through leaves and branches.

My heart was racing and I was breathing rapidly.Trying hard to calm heartbeat, I finally got through the leaves but found myself in a more dangerous situation.  



I know this took like a whole week to upload but I have loads of homeworks and tests so I am sorry...

I decided that I would uploaded mostly during the weekends so the next chapter might be out tomorrow. :)

Thanks all for reading and for the lovely comments. Please share your thoughts on my story or a character. I am always happy to read about them.

So, that's chapter 7.

What was your favourite part? :D

Bye for now!

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