Somehow (Paul imprint story) Ch 12

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Mavis was then trying to blow her own hair back into place and I laughed as she failed to do so. She looked at me and scowled which only cause me to laugh more.

“Here.” I said and gently tucked her soft curls back into position.

Calm down...Paul...

My heart was pumping a little too fast and I quickly sat on my hands.

“I could’ve done it myself, you know!” Mavis argued and focused on her swollen arm.


Mavis looked up and shot a small angelic smile which I gladly accepted.

Maybe things are looking up for us...


Mavis’s POV

Although my mind was busy wondering and worrying about Aidan’s location, I still noticed that a surprisingly comfortable silence hanging around Paul and me.

 I opened my mouth slightly, ready to asked Paul about Aidan when a woman with copper skin and black hair appeared from a door. Sneaking a second glance, I almost gasped as I saw her scarred face.

Paul quickly turned around and then proceeded to sent me a reassuring look. I nodded as a reply but also so I convince myself to stay quiet.

What happened to her? Even with those scars running down her face, she still manages to look beautiful. Obviously, the scars did nothing to stop her from beaming so cheerfully.

“Paul, I found ice and some clothes for the girl to change. Is she aw-” Her voice was clear and proud, there were no embarrassment or shyness beneath that scarred face.

Our eyes met and I gave her a weak smile and in return, she sent me a smile so kind and gentle, it reminded me of my deceased mother.

“Oh! Hello, I am Emily. How are you feeling? Would you like some ice on your arm?” Emily greeted me kindly and rushed over to me with her cluster of shopping bags. “Here. Let me put this ice on your arm, don’t move now.”

I smiled gratefully at this friendly woman and relaxed my muscles, but quickly reminded myself that this won’t last forever since life, somehow always managed to turn my life upside down.

Emily gently pressed against my arm and I whined quietly as one single touch filled my whole arm with intense pain.

Paul’s POV

At the sound of Mavis’s whine, so quiet that it was almost impossible to hear if it wasn’t for my wolf hearing, I panicked wildly.

“Emily...let m-me...”I requested nervously, voice shaking a little.

Emily sent me a worrying glance and slowly shook her head and pointed slightly at the ice.

Oh...Okay then...Just because I will melt the ice...

I frowned and muttered a small reply, “Fine.”

I sank back to my chair unwillingly and watched as Emily plopped the ice softly onto Mavis’s purple-coloured arm.

After 10 minutes, Emily was finally finished with her job at bandaging Mavis’s swollen arm. However, by that time, Mavis was already asleep, eyes closed and resting peacefully.

“Done!” Emily announced and I stood up, already waiting to be closer to my imprint. “Wow, she is asleep again. She must be tired. Well, I supposed I will go and make dinner for you guys. Sam will be back soon with the rest of the pack.”

I nodded in agreement and took the bags of clothes from Emily. “Thank you.”

Emily smiled and waved a hand at me. “No problem. Paul, you are very lucky to be imprinted on this beautiful girl.”

I beamed at the mention of my imprint. “Of course, I will protect her from harm, no matter what happens.”


It was awhile before Mavis stirred and slowly awakens for the second time today.

“Mavis...You feeling better?”

I watched as she struggled to sits up and rushed forward to help her.


She pushed my arm away and stood up shakily. I stood up and followed her silently, arms ready to catch her if she falls.

“Paul...I am fine, really. Just let m-” Mavis tried to convince me and ended up stumbling over her own feet. Her frail body lay soft onto my arms but Mavis suddenly twisted her body, causing us to crash onto the floor.

“Are you okay? Mavis, how is your arm?” I questioned, desperate to make sure she was well and truly okay.

I heard her heaved a sigh and grumbled softly, “I am still alive.”

I too, sighed in relief and grinned when I noticed one thing.

One very interesting thing.

One very interesting thing that I really liked.

No...Not liked...loved...

 I loved the way that Mavis was leaning onto my torso for support at this very moment. She might not notice or even realised what she was doing now but...still...

Bubbles of warmth and passion were bursting with joy inside my heart and my mind. Mavis’s touch tinged on my bare skin and a wide grin formed on my face.



Please forgive me... :(

I am so so so so sorry. I know thispost is like a week late but I have been very busy finsihing my tests and homeworks. A holiday will be coming up soon and I hope to post more chapters up.

Oh and I also know that this wasn't the longest chapter I have ever done and I incuded the recap because it've been so long...

Thanks for reading and a comment from you guys would be lovely and encouraging. :P

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