Chapter 7 ~ The Moon Godess

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Jay's P.O.V

I was surrounded by nothing but darkness. There wasn't even a sliver of light anywhere. I screamed out my pack mates names but I got no reply.

What is going on?

I walked around searching for a way out or any sign of life. I screamed in frustration and sat down placing my head in my hands. You need to calm down Jay, calm down.

Taking deep breaths I eventually calmed down and instructed myself to think. After a few minutes everything that happened flashed before my eyes. Running from a green haired Penny, the burning pain, collapsing, my brothers cooling me down and then finally falling into the darkness.

I can't be dead can I? I questioned. When I thought about it, it seemed like it could be a possibility. I mean there's no way that someone could survive that kind of pain. I was so into my thoughts that I didn't notice that I was no longer sat in the dark but in light. I lifted my head up from my hands and looked at where the light was coming from. It was like someone had just opened a door to heaven. I squinted my eyes to see if I could make anything out but I couldn't, the light was too bright.

The light began to fade slightly and I was able to make out a black silhouette, making its way towards me. 

"Jessica." The figure said. Judging by the voice I could tell that it was a woman.

"I don't go by that name anymore, its Jay." I replied. "Why am I here? Am I dead?"

The women laughed before answering me. "I can tell you that you are not dead and as to why you are here. I will get to that in a moment." The women stepped out of the light and I was finally able to make her out. Her hair was as white as snow, her eyes were the lightest of blues and her skin was as pale as her hair. Going by her looks she looked like she was in her late twenties and she was quite small for her age, probably the same height as me.

"Please, just tell me why I'm here," I pleaded.

"My child, I was the one that summoned you here."

"What do you mean 'summoned' me here? I don't even know you." I was starting to think this women was crazy or perhaps maybe I had started to lose my marbles.

"I am the moon goddess, the mother of all supernatural beings. I have much to tell you my child." She was the moon goddess?"

"Y-you're the moon goddess?"

"I am indeed. But let's not dwell on that fact, I have much to tell you." I nodded my head. I was still trying to get my head around this; surely if she was here I must be dead. "I have been watching over you for many, many years now and it is finally time for me to tell you about your destiny. You're a very special person Jay and you are the person that is going to save the human race."

"That can't be true. I'm not special I can't even shift!"

"That is not true. The burning pain you were feeling before you found yourself here, that was you shifting Jay. But the pain you went through was worse compared to a normal shift. And that is a sign that you will be powerful and I will tell you about this power later on. Now where was I?"

"I'll be saving the human race." I supplied.

"Ah yes thank you. A great evil will be upon us soon, and it will be threatening the lives of humans. You along with other super naturals must come together to stop it and you, Jay, will be the one to end it all. You are more powerful than you know. I have given you the power of fire. I must apologise that in order for you to hold this power, your fist shift had to be delayed. You see a sixteen year olds body is not strong enough to hold such power and that power is released when you shift, so I had to delay your shift. For that I am truly sorry."

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