Chapter 21 ~ Interruptions

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Jay’s P.O.V

The sun rays shined through my bedroom window waking me from my peaceful slumber, it was the best night sleep I’ve had for a while now. I felt refreshed and full of energy but I also felt incredibly hot and a heavy weight like a log was holding me down refusing to let me up.

I opened my eyes hesitantly and looked under the covers to see an arm was around my waist and the hand that belonged to that arm was drawing small circles on my stomach. I covered my mouth with my hand trying not to laugh, I was very ticklish. I turned around so the hand was now drawing circles on my back instead of my stomach, I sighed with relief, I was no longer trying not to laugh and I felt more relaxed.

I found myself facing a delicious set of drool worthy abs. I could feel it collecting up in my mouth so I swallowed it. How embarrassing would that be if Cameron woke up to see me drooling over him, I would never hear the end of it and I didn’t want him to have anything he could use against me. Instead I used my fingertips to trail over his abs lightly up and down. Cameron shifted slightly next to me and tightened his hold against me letting out a groan. I chuckled softly. I trailed my hand from his abs up to his face and traced his face committing everything to memory. My fingertips brushed over his strong jaw, his cheek bones and his full lips. My eyes followed every movement I made. I licked my lips when I touched his soft lips wishing they were placed upon my own. I was so entranced with his lips that I didn’t notice Cameron was now wide awake staring down at me with a gleam in his eyes.

“Like what you see?”

I jumped with a squeak in surprise which only caused Cameron to laugh at my expense. I hit his shoulder to try and get him to stop laughing but he didn’t it only made him laugh harder.

“You’re so mean to me,” I pouted and turned around so my back was now facing him.

“Don’t be like that; you know it’s not true.” He said wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his chest; he then proceeded to leave a trail on kisses up my neck. I shivered under his touch trying to fight back a moan but I wasn’t strong enough to fight the pleasure and it slipped out. Cameron continued to trail kisses over my jaw and I could feel the smile on his lips on my skin. He made his way down my neck again then he reached the place where I would eventually wear his mark, he paid that area a lot of attention sending my body into a frenzy and my wolf purring from the pleasure in the back of my mind. I closed my eyes leaning into Cameron’s touch savouring every little kiss that he gave me; I was in pure bliss, another moan escaped. This sent Cameron over the edge, in a flash he was on top of me and my lips were at his mercy. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck bringing him closer to me as we deepened the kiss, his tongue swiped across my lower lip asking for entrance but I refused. I wanted to see how patient he is and judging by his actions he wasn’t very patient at all. He licked my lower lip again more forcefully but I still refused him entrance, he growled. Cameron’s hands that were in my hair began  to make their way down my body caressing it as they went sending pleasurable sparks through my body, they continued downwards eventually stopping at the bottom of my t-shirt, he lifted it up slightly exposing my flat stomach. He brushed over my stomach causing me to giggle against his lips but I still refused to open up. My wolf growled at me.

“What? He’s got to work for it.” I said before pushing her back to the furthest point of my mind.

I was too distracted by my wolf that I didn’t realise that Cameron’s hands had snuck up my t-shirt and they were slowly making their way to my breasts that lay unprotected. I shivered has his hands trailed painfully slow to their target, my wolf was starting to fight against me for control which she so desperately wanted so she could kiss Cameron and his wolf with all the passion and love she could muster, but I wasn’t going to let that happen I wanted to be the one in control. I was going to do what she wanted so I took control of the situation. I somehow flipped us over so I was now on top of Cameron and he was beneath me, he gasped him shock, I took this opportunity to slide my tongue into his mouth deepening the kiss. My wolf purred whilst Cameron groaned making him forget about the mission his hands were on, instead they found their way back into my hair pulling me closer to him. Our tongues fought for dominance but seeing as he was an alpha and incredibly stubborn and hot headed he won gaining the upper hand, flipping us over so I was once again beneath him.

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