Forced to Take the Town Car

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    Sage Slade

    THERE IS JUST SOMETHING about waking up early in the morning during summer break that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

    7:45 a.m.

    No one can tell me there is nothing more dreadful to look at other than the a.m. symbol on an alarm clock. Especially during the time of year when you're not even supposed to see the early morning rise unless you pulled an all-nighter.

    I groan while reluctantly pushing the sheets off me. "I hate my life."

    After yawning loudly and stretching violently, I slammed my hand onto the snooze button then glanced at my motivators. A large painting my Father made for me when I was little of a Supernova (the outcome of an exploded star), the collection of telescopes I've been gathering since I could remember, a three dimensional solar system Mom and I worked on for an entire month when I was twelve, and a picture of when Gideon (my brother) took me to the NASA Space Shuttle when I was fourteen.

    "Alright, I'm charged up!" I yell, hopping off of the bed. "Today is the day I start learning about space."

    Once I found the energy I took no time heading to the bathroom to get ready for my first college course on Astronomy. This means I have to make an impression—like if—I'm going into that room with whatever I feel like wearing because I'm not going to class to make friends. So I made the executive decision to wear a graphic tee, my favorite jean shorts, and a pair of vans.

    Before I got dressed I did my daily routine; showering, brushing my teeth, and doing my hair. I decided to braid it to the side today because I don't have time to straighten it and because it's like super hot outside. 

    Finished with getting ready I ran downstairs and smelled Dad's famous on the go breakfast sandwich. Which was made up of pancakes, eggs and sausage all in sandwich form, kind of like a mcgriddle from Mcdonald's but healthier since Dad uses organic foods from his favorite farmers markets.

    I peaked inside the kitchen. "Is that the great smell of your famous breakfast sandwich?"

    Dad looked over his shoulder and grinned. "Why of course but that doesn't mean they're for you. I made them for my other family."

    "Tell that family they can have you all they want as long as I get my sandwiches." I grinned back, then walked over to him searching for the plate of goods. When I saw the stack of homemade food I didn't hesitate to snatch one away.

    Dad chuckled. "You excited kiddo? This is your first college course and at one of the most prestigious school in the state." This was true I was accepted at one of the most competitive schools in the state and I haven't even graduated from high school yet. However, as excited as I am for this, the reason I'm in the program for high school students there in the first place is because of unwanted help.

    "Of course I am, I'm going to finally be studying Astronomy at a College level." I say biting into the sandwich. "Anyways are you driving me to school? I really need to get going now or I'm going to either be late or lose a front seat."

    His eyebrows rose. "Sage honey Mr. Blackstone told you that he's sending you transportation." Dad reminds me and I cringe.

    "Can't you take me, I'd prefer not showing up to school in some fancy town-car or whatever." I frown and cross my arms. "Gives people the wrong idea about me and I don't want to be associated with snobs."

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