The Man Who Snaps and The Business Deal

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"When were you going to tell me she was alive!?" I shout, slamming my fist onto the desk.

Father never flinched, he just sat there calm and collective like he hadn't unleashed a world of information on me the day before my wedding. The girl I'm marrying has yearned to see this very woman and the two people who knew about it were never going to say anything unless something like this happened. Unless someone outside of those two knew the lies that they were spewing.

"I deserve that." Father responds, his tone showing a hint of remorse.

My jaw tenses. "Why would you hide this? Why would Emerson hide from his grandchildren?"

"Andrew is unaware of my knowledge on the subject and I didn't intend to allow anyone to know until I found out why it happened." He readjusts himself on the chair. "As for Emerson that's why I'm looking into it. He doesn't do things like this without a reason and I have my suspicions on what it could but I need to validate them before accusing."

"What reason do you hide an entire human being?"

He sighed, then stood up. "The blood that runs through the Emerson's is of a tainted kind, the kind that lives for one true goal. One that I tried to end myself but if I'm right, then my attempts were unsuccessful."

"I don't get it, I don't understand any of this." I pinch the bridge of my nose. "How did you find out she was alive if you weren't supposed to?"

His eyes rolled. "Greyson Blackstone, remember who you are speaking to. I am Richard Blackstone, the successor of a legacy that's been passed for generations. One that you will also inherit and as you gain this legacy you must learn one thing."

"And what's that?"

He scoffed. "Trust no one, always keep your eyes open even when you feel comfortable enough to close them. People will do whatever to destroy you because of what you have that they do not."

"But they're rich and powerful just like us, what could we possibly have that they don't?"

"There is the blood of a woman running through our veins, one that did not belong to our family originally." He chuckles to himself. "He had everything except the woman to build it with, Blackstone charm is something no amount of money can buy."

I rub the temple of my head. "So where is she and why has she been hidden?"

"Hidden in plain sight, working within one of the Emerson franchises. As for why she was hidden or why she allowed it, I have yet to conjure up a reason without growing suspicion from Andrew. I have my hypothesis on the matter though but like I said, I cannot make any assumptions."

"I have to tell Sage."

Father's brows furrow. "Greyson, you must not tell that girl one word of this information."

"And why not?"

"Because if I'm correct, Heather Emerson was molded to be an essential piece in getting what they want. And Sage is too good of a girl to get it without given an ultimatum, and what better one than the woman she craved too see herself."

Things have become twisted, all in twenty-four hours I went from preparing the best day of our lives too knowing information that could destroy it in a blink of an eye. Dammit the wedding, I can't possibly keep my mind on this when I have to lie to my wife too be after promising I won't through our vows.

Even Sage wouldn't forgive me for knowing this and not telling her, but father is right, she can't know. Not until I figure out what the end goal of all of this is, I won't let those bastards use something so important to hurt her.

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