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I'm not sure why I am so nervous but the thought that Travis and I have reached a year into our relationship throws me off a little. Each day we're together I wait for the other shoe to drop when it's clear as day there won't be one. Yet, I can't shake the feeling it's been going way too smoothly, even when we argue it lasts for two minutes and we move on.

"Your boyfriend is waiting downstairs." Gideon knocks and walks into my room. "Wow, you look amazing."

I smile anxiously, smoothing my dress. "Yes...I mean thank you."

"Why are you so restless?" He chuckles. "Nervous for your date or something?"

Truthfully it didn't make sense but there was this tiny part inside of me that wanted to run. All I could think about was about Greyson, I told everyone I'd come back but the more invested I am in Travis the less likely it looks.

Not to mention I haven't physically seen anyone from both the Emerson and Blackstone families in years. It's like they don't exist anymore, it's like they never existed in the first place. I can't imagine the idea of Greyson moving on but it's selfish since I have.

The scariest part of it all is that I actually have strong feelings for Travis, maybe even love. 

So the fact that we've been together for a whole unproblematic year only justifies what I feared the most. That Greyson and I are truly done, it's a terrible thing to think about on a one year anniversary yet I can't help it.

I swallow down my anxiety. "I'm fine,, a year."

"Wow it's been a year? Look at you guys, maybe he's the one." Gideon wiggles his eyebrows.

Possibly. "Don't go jumping the gun on that."

"You're right, I'd only jinx it." He taps the doorway. "Well Dad and I are going out to the bar to hang out with some of our coworkers. Be safe, alright?"

I nod. "I will."

"And Sage?"


He smiles. "It's okay to love him."

How unfortunate that my own brother could read my mind to such a degree. Was I this obvious?

"I know."


Travis pulled up in his car, it wasn't an expensive one, just a hand-me-down blue Honda his brother gave him. Though it holds priceless memories like the first time he asked me out after taking me home from our routine study sessions. He told me that it'd be idiotic to waste another moment not being my boyfriend.

When he asked I opened my mouth to say no but opted not to since I can't grow without experience, I mean that was the whole point of Greyson and I breaking up. I didn't know what I wanted and how can I know if I don't go and find it?

Enough about Greyson Sage.

I took a deep breath as I approached the car.

Travis zooms out and gives me the warmest smile. "There she goes."

"Hey." I smiled back, my cheeks a little warm.

His brows raise as he checks me out from head to toe. "I wonder if I was a saint in my past life because there's no way I deserve a girl that looks as beautiful as you do right now, otherwise."

"Shut up." I giggle.

Travis opens the door for me. "After you."

I slide into the leather seated seat and immediately buckle myself in. Travis closes the door and runs to the other side to sit down behind the wheel. He starts the car and begins driving to wherever he secretly planned on taking me this evening.

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