The Drool-Worthy Man and The Painful Heels

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Sage Slade


These weren't meant for someone like me who loves sneakers and flats. Being on the ground is where I belong why would I want to distance myself from it with painful shoes?

The worst part about this all is seeing how much Greyson seems to enjoy my stressful evening.

Scratch that

The WORST part is seeing how freaking good he looks tonight. As usual Greyson is nothing but impeccable to look at. His hair is slicked back and he looks like he came out of a Calvin Klein photoshoot just with clothes on. Unfortunately his freshly shaven face was the only problem I had, I prefer the usual scruff.


"Come with me." Greyson says, reach out his arm. What was I supposed to do? He notices my confusion and sighs. "Grab my arm, I'll lose you in the crowd otherwise." That made sense, if he's taking me somewhere it's better I hold him so that I don't get lost. Especially with all the pain in my feet right now I'd probably wince then lose him.

We walk through the tangled crowds of people and I realize that he's taking me outside of the hall. Minutes later we end up at the longue and he takes me towards the antique chairs. "Sit." He commands and I look at him surprised. "You're in pain right? Take a break." See it's moments like this where I can't tell if he's honestly being a good guy or faking it for appearance sake. 

Either way I don't hesitate to take his offer. I was immediately grateful for the sudden relief and basked in the short amount of bliss I have left. "Thank you."

Greyson seats himself on the chair diagonal from me, then grabs a glass of wine from a waiter who approached him. The waiter looks at me and I deny the offer given that I am of course underage. "You wanted to try?" Greyson asks me. I stare at the dark red liquid and kind of want to try it just not at the cost of someone's job.

"I'm too young and I don't want to get any waiters in trouble with my Grandfather." I explain to him, then drop my eyes. This is weird, having a normal conversation with him because I can't possible show my hatred towards him in a public event like this. "Here." He says handing me the glass, I look at him confused like I have been all night. "Just drink it."

"How's it going to look if someone caught you giving me an alcoholic beverage. Wouldn't that be bringing suspicion towards us?" I asked him. Greyson laughed as if what I said wasn't a serious matter. Then he looked at me and answered. "You're not the one who needs to worry about that, if you want to drink it then do it."

"No, it's alright." I deny it. Whether Greyson cares or not he has an image to uphold and him giving me this drink will draw bad attention to him. He nods nonchalantly, then scoffed. "When I attended my first gathering with my Father and siblings I got drunk. My Father was never angrier than he was until it ended up on the tabloids. 'Youngest Blackstone is an alcoholic?' or something like that."

That was the first time he's told me a story from his past, is he drunk? 

"Anyways, it's good that you know how to decline these kind of offers. Shows you're mature and ready to take on the hardships of being an Emerson." He imbibes the drink, then places it down. "Ready to take on being the wife of a Blackstone too."

Whatever he was pulling I didn't like it. "Are you okay?"

Greyson studies me, he looked sober for the most part but was acting strange. "No I'm not, I need to go. You should meet up with your Grandfather, he'll get worried not seeing us within the crowds." He stands up and before I could say something a female approaches him, with a giddy smile on her face. Her dress showed way more skin than a swimsuit could, this is exactly the kind of women that Greyson would sleep with.

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