The Simpleton Girl and The Article

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Greyson Blackstone


Sage jumps, obviously my anger caught her off guard. I wonder what she expected when I told her to come to my office today. Surely even she cannot be this slow.

On the screen was a picture of her and some guy by the name of Pierce Radwell. Apparently he is a well known actor or something of the sorts. Either way the talk about this guy is very frequent and when the press finds out that the woman in the photo is the Granddaughter of the Andrew Emerson it'll cause an uproar we aren't prepared for.

"Yeah...that's Pierce, I met him at the event." She answers, quietly. Why is she not angry back? Could it be that she realizes that this isn't a good thing for us. Maybe my genuine anger is perhaps working on her, I'll take note of that.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to keep myself composed since we are on school grounds. It'll cause suspicion if someone were to come in and see me like this with her. "Slade, are you aware that soon you will be recognized in the crowd as Andrew Emerson's Granddaughter? That when you're around guys like this—"

"Like what?" She frowned.

I scoffed. "The kind that'll get you bad attention, he's a magnet for tabloids, the fucking text reads," I look at the screen. "Teen Heart-Throb Pierce Radwell caught with a mystery woman at an event hosted by Andrew Emerson at the Emerson hotel. Possible new romance after break up with pop sensation Annalise Evans?" 

After reading all of that I looked up at her to see that she was SMILING. She doesn't understand what this means. "Why are you smiling? Slade why the fuck are you smiling?" I cross my arms, then studied her. Immediately her smile vanished and her eyes went wide with shock. "I...I was not smiling." She scoffed. "I'm not seeing the problem here, why'd you call for me for this?"

"Slade," I leaned in. "Our engagement will be announced as soon as you turn eighteen, now that's a whole year of preparing you to be worthy of being a Blackstone. Being around Princeton Radchell or whatever the hell his name is will only make your image less appropriate for a man such as myself." I explain to her and she looked confused.

"Uh...I was just talking to him not making out with him or anything." She narrowed her eyes at me. "You don't need to worry about me Greyson, I'm not you."

"What is that supposed to mean?" My brows furrow.

"I'm not a whore who needs to sleep around, you're the one who needs to be prepped for me. I am the prodigal Granddaughter of the Emerson, admittedly I'm the only one, but I am the prodigal one. You, however, are the manwhore of Blackstone so before you talk to me about making inappropriate moves look in the MIRROR." She stands up.

Our gazes locked.

Then without another word she turned around and stormed out of the room. I'm not sure why she said all of that or why she was even angry. The one who has that right is me, she's going around associating with guys like that will only affect our relationship in a bad way. I don't want the public to look at her and think Pierce Radwell's ex-girlfriend or fling, I want them to look at her and see a Blackstone to be.

Sage doesn't know what the public is capable of coming up with, she doesn't know the dangers of being well-known around the county. The less she does will be more beneficial to her, all she has to do is appear in the public in a graceful manner and smile. Nothing more and nothing less, simplicity is what she needs.

Because the moment they find one thing about her she'll be in trouble.


"So fancy." Samantha, no Evelyn, maybe Layla—whatever her name is says to me. Tonight I decided to take out a female because there was talk about me being a little to close to Sage at the event. In order to stray them away I must distract them with women who would catch the gazes of any man. Unfortunately I've seen better.

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