Chapter 8: The Moon Goddess

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Guess what guys!!! I am working on a new book! It's called His Dead Mate.

Oooh spooky!

I'm really excited for this new book to be honest. Who wants the prologue???

Comment if you want to see the preview in the next chapter!

Guess who is sick again. Like seriously. Damn!

My nose is stuffed on one side and my throat is so scratchy and it's making me cough 24/7. So I'm eating cough drops like they're candy lol.

And I'm getting the feels for someone, so I'm gonna do the right thing...

...go hind in a corner and never come out until my feelings go away :)

Anywhore. On with this chappie!



"How are the rogues getting in?" I asked everyone.

"I don't know alpha." Mike mumbled as he looked at his twin brother.

"We have been changing the patrol routes and the members every day." Wes said as he looked over his papers.

"Alpha?" Elder Edward asked.

"Yes?" I asked back.

"Do you think they have anything to do with it?"

I growled. "I don't know. My trackers haven't caught their scent since that day. They could possibly be apart of this. But there is no way to know for sure."

"What if they are sending them our way to make us weaker?" Elder John suggested.

"What are you getting at?" Elder May asked kindly.

"If you think about it, it's possible." Elder John said. "They could be sending these rogues over to us promising them protection. This is a big group that we are dealing with. They are capable of anything."

Elder Edward nodded. "They could be trying to weaken our defense. Cause a distraction. And once we are knocked off our feet, they came in for the final blow."

"You're on to something." I smiled. "That is an excellent point. I mean if you think of about it. This group is smart and cunning. They have everything planned out and they don't mess up. They think everything thoroughly and then attack. We can't underestimate them."

"What do we plan on doing?" Zylen asked.

I looked out over my pack and some gave me worried looks and others had furry.

"We will train harder. We will be more on guard. We will not let this group break us. We are stronger than that and I refuse to be overpowered." I said as everyone clapped. "We will overcome this and we will win!"

"More wolves on patrol." Colby stated.

Zylen nodded. "I want each patrol group to have at least one tracker to sniff out any hints or evidence."

"Also. I want all the ambush teams in their positions." I said as I looked at the girls.

"You got it alpha." April, the leader of the ambush groups, smirked. "We will get these jackasses."

I smiled proudly. "I'm very impressed with everyone today. Good job."

'I can feel their wolves. They are proud.' Ava said happily.

'They should be.' I replied. 'They are all good pack members and I should be the one that is proud. I couldn't have done this without them.'

"I think it's time to turn in. It's late." I said speaking up and getting everyone's attention. "I want the groups at their posts tonight and take turns. We will start training early in the morning."

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