Chapter 15: This Is It

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Hey everyone!!!

I would really like to apologize to everyone. I feel really bad that it took me this long to update. Like I'm so so so sorry. I feel awful. But it was kinda hard because of the surgery and then getting the depression and anxiety and then being in and out of the ER constantly. Oh! And I also started life is so much fun right now.

But I can finally update and that's all that matters right now. And you guys have seriously been so supportive and I couldn't be any happier. I love you guys. You are my family and I wouldn't want it any other way. <3

Anywhore (did you guys miss that (; ) on with this chappie!!!!



"Careful!" Deacon growled.

I laughed and winked back at the girls.

"Sorry. My bad!" I called out to him trying not to laugh.

Colby, Zylen, and I carefully eased Deacon down with the rope.

"Ya. My bad." Deacon mocked with a growl.

"It would be so funny if we just let go of the rope." Colby whispered with a laugh.

"I can hear you guys!" Deacon growled.

"Dammit." Colby sighed.

"Almost to the ground yet?" I asked.

"Ya." Deacon called up. "And I'm good. You can let go, I'm on the ground."

"Oh thank the Lord." Zylen said as she shook her hands and dropped the rope. "He was starting to get heavy."

I tried to suppress my laugh as I heard Deacon growl.

"See anything?" I asked as I saw the light from the flashlight.

"Not really." Deacon mumbled and I saw his form walk around.

"Are you sure?" Colby asked as she laid down on the ground and looked down into the ground.

"Colby. Yes I'm sure."

Colby shrugged. "Just makin' sure. Damn. Don't get your panties in a twist."

"There's only a bunch of rocks." Deacon said confused. "I think minerals."

"So fascinating." Colby said sarcastically as she rested her head in her palm.

"Ya know." Deacon yelled. "Maybe you should be the one down here doing this."

"Nah. I'll pass." Colby smirked waving him off.

"Nah I'll pass." Deacon mocked in a high pitched voice and started to look around.

A couple minutes went by and still nothing.

Colby groaned and rolled on her back. "This is so boring."

"You're fine." Gabriel laughed as he sat down in the grass.

"This would go a lot faster if someone would help!" Deacon growled.

"He's such a sour wolf today." Zylen laughed.

"Heard that!"

"You were meant too!"

"Oooh look at that wolf spider!" Harvey yelled.

"What?" Colby screamed. "Where?"

"Shit!" I yelled as Colby started to fall backward.

"Ace!" Colby yelled as she grabbed my hand.

Which of course made me fall with her.

"Ahh!" We both yelled as we fell down the hole.

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