Chapter 9: The Man

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Here is the preview as promised! :) Hope you like it!

Drunk driving is a big problem in the world. One wrong decision can possibly end someone's life. That's what happened to Kasey Walker.

She and her two younger siblings were heading home from a movie when their lives changed forever. Because of one drunk driver, Kasey lost her life and her siblings lost their old sister. But God had plans for Kasey. He made her a guardian angel.


Zale has been the alpha of the Riverwood Pack ever since he was 18 years old when his father handed it over to him. Kasey was his human mate, but all that changed when she was killed. He felt a piece of him die and he has never been the same. Three years later, he felt a change. When he wakes up on morning, he felt the feeling of warmth spread through his body and he questions it.

Now that his mate is a guardian angel, will they ever be able to be together?

There it is!! How was it??? Let me know!

And also, this runny nose is kicking my ass.

Anywhore, on with the chapter!



"There you go!" I smiled as I saw everyone kick the bags. "Good job!"

"Ace!" I heard Zylen yell.

I turned around and saw her and Colby running to me.

"What's up?" I asked worried.

"We have a problem." Colby said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We both had the same dream last night." Colby replied.

I growled. "Moon Goddess?"

"H-how did you know?" Zylen asked shocked.

"She visited my dream last night too. Told me that I didn't truly reject Deacon because it's not possible."

"She said the same thing to me." Colby nodded as she looked between me and Zylen.

"Then she proceeded to tell me that she is on Deacon's side and that he will be here soon." I said as I looked at everyone training. "We have to warn patrol."

'Alpha!' April yelled through the link. 'Dark Knight Pack is at the border. They aren't stopping!'

"Too late." Colby said.

I growled and everyone stopped training.

"Mike, Wes, Amber, Jake, and Patricia. Come with me." I commanded. "Everyone else train."

"Yes alpha!" They said as they got back to training.

"What's wrong alpha?" Amber asked.

"Dark Knight is at the border. I need you guys to come with me." I said.

"Yes alpha." The mumbled as they nodded.

Once we got outside, we stripped down and shifted into our wolves.

The run to the border took about an hour and I saw my patrol talking to some members of the other pack.

I went behind a tree and shifted back.

"What do you guys want?" I asked as I walked up to them.

"Luna." They said with a bow.

"I told you guys not to call me that!" I growled.

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