Chapter 20: They're On The Same Team

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Well how did you guys like that little plot twist in the last chapter??

I got you guuys didn't I??? ;)

And yes I has been forever since I last updated and I am truly sorry about it. I really am. It's okay if you hate me or are mad at me or both. I completely understand. I should have updated more and for that I am truly sorry.

I've been dealing with school, my health, etc. And now there might be a problem with my heart. Fan-fucking-tastic. So the updates are going to be very slow. It's okay if you delete my books and unfollow me, I totally get it. But I'm gonna try my hardest to update these books as much as I can. I love you guys sooooo fucking much. You are my family.

Anywhore. On with the chappie :)



"Seriously guys. We have to get out of here." Colby stated in a rush.

I nodded. "Let's go."

We all ran out of the cellar but then we got blocked by a rogue.

Deacon growled and put me behind him.

I moved around him and stood there in shock.

"D-dad?" I asked as a tear dropped my from my right eye.



"Hey princess." My dad said smiling at me.

"N-no." I said shaking my head. "T-this can't b-be happening. Y-you aren't real."

"Princess." My dad smiled at me as he started to walk towards us. "But I am."

"No!" I shouted as I closed my eyes and shook my head. "This is all just a dream. You aren't real and Deacon never got captured. I want to wake up! I need to wake up!"

"What?" Colby and Zylen said together.

My dad sighed as he stopped right in front of us. "Colby. Zylen."

"This isn't real." Colby said. "B-but you are dead."

He shook his head. "That's not true."

"Yes it is!" I shouted.

"Shh..." He hushed as he wrapped his arms around me. "It's true and I'm right here princess."

I sobbed as I quickly wrapped my arms around him and held him close. "Y-you're alive."

My dad nodded as he kissed the top of my head. "That I am."

"But how?" I asked as I wiped my tears and stepped back.

My dad opened his mouth and was about to speak, but someone came running over to us.

"Dad watch out!" I shouted as I pulled on his arm.

"Lawson." Deacon snarled.

"Hey ugly." Lawson smirked. "I'm not surprised that you got out."

"Princess." My dad chuckled. "It's okay."

"What?" I asked in confusion as my dad walked over to Lawson's side.

"Lawson is on our side." My dad simply said with a smile.

"Again. What?" I asked raising my voice. "He kidnapped Deacon and tried to kill us!"

My dad sighed. "Princess. He wasn't trying to kill you."

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