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They say time heals all the wounds. But they don't know the pain of those wounds being reopened. They don't know how it feels when someone breaks your heart into a million pieces. They don't know how it feels when someone you had thought would never hurt you, hurts you the way you would have never imagined was possible.

For Sapphire it was hopeless. She had never felt this broken, not even when she had found out about Bennet's true face. Sure she was depressed. Hell! If it wouldn't have been for her boys, she would have ended her life a long time back. But seeing him again was the worst.

She remembered every minute she had spent with him, and she hated it. She hated herself for trusting somebody like him. She hated herself for loving someone, to whom she was nothing but a bet. She closed her eyes and let the tears roll down her cheeks.

"Sapphire are you alright?" Gena asked bringing her out of her thoughts. "Ya I'm fine." she replied trying to hide her emotions. She didn't want to stress Gena with any more of her burdens. It's not like she hasn't already.

Gena knew what Sapphire was going through, and it hurt her to see her like that. When she had told them about her past, she just couldn't believe that how could someone do something like that to her. "Are you sure sweetie? If you want to talk about it-"

"I'm fine Gena. I'm just a little exhausted." Sapphire replied as she put the cupcakes into the microwave. "You don't have to go through it all by yourself Sapphire. We are there for you." Gena assured her as she walked up to her.

"What I'm I going to do Gena? He knows about the twins and I'm sure he'll try to take them away from me." Gena gently placed on her shoulder and replied. "Look Sapphire. I think, you should talk to him. I think that would be better-"

"It's Bennett we are talking about Gena. He does what he is told not to do." Sapphire replied wiping her tears. "Then talk to one of his brothers. Maybe they could get him to understand." Sapphire shook her head. "I don't want him to understand anything Gena. I just want him to get out of my life."

"He's their father Sapphire. And he has every right to be a part of their life, even if it includes him being a part of your life." Gena told her what she knew was right. "No Gena! I don't agree with you." Steven stated as he entered the kitchen.

"I think Sapphire is right. That son of a bitch, has no right to be anywhere near Sapphire or the twins." he stated as he helped himself in one of the empty stools. "But Steve, He's the father and he deserves to be a part of their life." Gena tried to reason with him.

"I think I should go and check on the twins." Sapphire excused herself and walked out of the kitchen. Not wanting to talk about it any longer then they already have. Taking a deep breath, she made her way towards the twins room.

She leaned on the door frame, and watched her boys as they played with their new toys. She could feel a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips, as she watched them argue about some cartoon character. She gently cleared her throat making them turn towards her with with toothy grins.

"Mommy aren't we going to have a birthday party?" Ethan asked looking up at her with his wide beautiful eyes. "Of course we are sweetie." She replied ruffling his hair. "Mommy! Look what I've made." Evan asked as he tugged on her sweater.

She gently took the drawing from his hand and studied it. It was a picture of a woman holding hands with two little boys, with a title my family. She gently got on her knees and kissed his cheeks. "It's beautiful baby. Mommy is proud of you." She replied proudly.

"Even I want a hug." Ethan complained making her laugh. "Come here baby. Mommy is proud of you as well." she stated as she took both her boys into a group hug. This was her world, and this was all she wanted. And she would never let anybody take it away from her.

"Oh my god! there's so much of sweetness out here. I might get diabetes-" Emily stated as she leaned at the door frame, with a mischievous smile on her face. "Aunt Em!" the boys squealed happily as they ran towards her.

"Hey Em! What are you doing here?" Sapphire asked as she watched her best friend play with her twins. "Well! Certain someone forgot to call me up and tell me the reason why she had to cancel her date at the last minute." Emily replied making Sapphire roll her eyes.

Sapphire rolled her eyes. "It wasn't a date Emily. And I didn't cancel our meeting. I just rescheduled it." she replied as she sat on the edge of the bed. "So what happened?" she asked as she let the boys go back to what they were doing.

"I guess, Gena might have already filled you in about what happened." Emily nodded. "Yes she did." she replied as she sat next to her on the bed. "Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked after a few minutes of silence. "No I just want to forget about it." Sapphire replied shaking her head.

"You know you could talk to me about it, right?" Sapphire nodded. "Emily I just want to forget whatever happened." Emily didn't seemed to be convinced, but she respected her and didn't persuade her more. "Okay fine. So is it okay if I take the boys out for a while?"

Sapphire gave her a suspicious look. "What are you up to?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well! Gena was planning something special for the boys, and she couldn't do it if they were here." she replied awkwardly. "If that was the case, why didn't she tell me about it?"

"Maybe she wanted to surprise you as well." Emily replied with a shrug. Sapphire didn't seem to be convinced, and she was just about to ask something when her phone started to buzz. And she answered it without bothering to check the ID.

Emily watched Sapphire as she got up from the bed and walked out , with a worried look on her face. "Emily I think you should take the boys out for a while. Something just came up and I have to go." she hurriedly stated as she walked back into the room.

"What's wrong Sapphire? Who was it and-" but she cut her off. "I will explain everything once I return. Please take care of them. Don't let them run around."
"And you both, be good boys and don't disturb Aunt Em too much okay? Mommy will be back as soon as possible." she instructed as she kissed them on the cheeks and stormed out of the room.

A Secret She Carriedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن