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Bennett stepped forward, his body shielding her's. Noel narrowed his eyes, "Get out of my way Bennett, let me end this story for once and all." he growled. Bennett shook his head, "No!" he said firmly looking him straight in the eye, "You are not going to hurt her. As long as I live, I will make sure no harm comes to her." Noel's grip on the gun tightened for a minute as he glared at him.

"Well,  I guess in that case, I think I should start from you." he said with a smug look on his face. "No!" Sapphire shouted. "You have a problem with me, then deal with me and not him. If you are here to kill me then do that. Please don't hurt him. My boys need him." She ranted like a mad woman making him roll his eyes. "That's not my problem." he said with a shrug.

"Okay guys, we are done talking. So I guess we better get started with the interesting part. Okay Bennett Milton, see the love of your life for one last time," Bennett flashed him a brave confident smile and replied, "Bring it on." silence filled the air and the time stilled. All eyes were trained to the nuzzle of the gun that was pointed towards him. "Noel please don't do this!" Sapphire cried, but he ignored her.

It was like everything happened in slow motion. The loud gunshot erupted through the night sky breaking the thick silence of the night followed by a male agonising scream. "Bennett!" Sapphire cried as she opened her eyes that she had screwed shut. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. Bennett was standing before her unharmed, staring at something ahead of them.

Noel was sprawled up on the ground cradling his injured knee. "You son of a bitch!" he shouted at the newcomer who had just poured a bucket of ice water on his plans. Sapphire followed his gaze and her heart skipped a beat. Patrick Rodriguez stepped out of the shadows with his two sons on his sides, with a gun firmly held in his right hand. His eyes were wide and his face was flushed with rage. He looked mad, beyond mad.

"Daddy!" her voice drifted through the cool midnight breeze. Patrick turned towards his daughter and his eyes softened. "Sorry Princess, I couldn't get to you earlier. And you had to put up with this waste of space on your own." She opened her mouth to correct him by saying that she was not on her own and Bennett was on her side. But Noel's agonising grunts interrupted her.

"You filthy Monster, you promised me you wouldn't. Interfere in this..." Noel spat out as he tried to get up, only to fall back to the ground. "You had given me your word that my daughter would not be harmed in all this. But you failed to keep your promise and so did I." he growled lowly. "Bullshit! You don't give a damn about her." Noel spat bitterly. Jason walked up to him and kicked him on his groin making him grunt in pain.

"I should have done this the day you laid your filthy eyes on my sister." he spat as he punched him on the face, and another and another. "Jason enough." Patrick growled making him step away from him, but not before throwing another punch at him. He walked up to his little sister and pulled her into his arms. "I'm sorry cupcake, I couldn't be the big brother I was supposed to be." he whispered as he squeezed in his arms.

"Don't say that Jason." She cried sniffing into his chest, making him chuckle. "You are ruining my suit cupcake." he teased making her pull away and glare at him. He smiled at her and ruffled her hair, messing up her already messed up hair. He turned towards Bennett and held out his hand for him to shake. "Jason, Jason Rodriguez her big brother." Bennett took his offered hand into a firm hand shake. "I know who you are." he muttered.

"If you guys are done with your family drama can anyone call the ambulance?" Noel snapped making them turn towards him. "You are better off dead." Logan snapped back at him, making him glare at him. "You can't talk to me like that, I'm betrothed to your sister." he spat, his lips curled into a smug smile. "Not any more." Jason replied. "Ah, you don't have a say in that." he laughed at him earning another punch from him.

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