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Bennett paced impatiently as he tried to make sense of whatever had happened back at the Pentagon. How did his carefully planned perfect evening turn into a heart wrenching disaster. He still couldn't believe that his Sapphire had so easily given up on them and let that good for nothing scum bag take away everything they had worked so hard for.

His Sapphire wasn't a weak person. She would never give up like that. Something was wrong. Or else she would have never had given up like that. She was upto something. Or else she wouldn't have given into her father's mindless game. She had always been a rebel and it just didn't make sense.

"Bennett I think you should stop pacing around. Your wounds are still fresh." Cameron suggested. His wounds were still fresh and his body was still sore. How the hell did he let them beat him to the pulp he would never know. "I don't understand." Bennett said as he slumped on the couch holding his head in his hands.

"She's a mother Ben. She just panicked-" he said trying to reason with him. Truth be told, he didn't have any explanation for what had happened. In fact he was still kind of surprised that Sapphire would do something like that. "Sapphire would never do something like that for no reason." Emily said as she barged into the room.

"Go away Emily, I'm not in a mood for-" but she cut him off in the middle. "She has been my best friend for almost five years Ben. She has been through situations worster then this. She would never give in so easily. She's surely upto something." she said confidently. There was no way in hell she would believe her best friend would do something like that.

"Guys, you need to check this out." Ryan said as he rushed inside with a newspaper in his hand. "What is it?" Cam asked as he took the paper from his hand. It was a picture of Noel and Sapphire in the front page with an article announcing their engagement to the media. They looked like a happy couple and there was something about the picture that didn't sit well.

"This is ridiculous. Now they are getting married?" Ryan hissed angrily. This was the first time Ryan had ever lost his temper like this. He hadn't expected something like this from her. "No they aren't." Bennett said firmly as he snatched the paper from his hand and shreded it into a million pieces. He wasn't going to just sit here and do nothing.

"So what do you suggest Mr Bennett Milton, what are we going to do?" Emily demanded irritation laced in her voice. "We need to find out why did she do it in the first place. Didn't she have any trust in me?" the mere thought broke his heart. Did she really believe that he couldn't get them out of the mess?

"Or maybe she just wanted to get this over for once." a new voice spoke up making them all turn towards the door. "Who the hell are you?" Ryan demanded as he glared at the man who stood there staring at them with a wide grin on his face. "Well, that was really a heart warming welcome." he said sarcastically as he stepped forward.

"By the way the name is Logan. Loagan Rodriguez." he confidently introduced himself. "What the hell do you want and how did you even enter into my apartment?" Bennett demanded as he stepped forward to get a better look at him. "Well, I just rang the doorbell and your housekeeper let me in." he replied with a shrug.

This guy was exactly how Sapphire had described him to be like. Sinfully handsome, devil might care attitude and Sarcasm ran in his blood. "Are you going to get out of here by yourself or do you want to be escorted by the guards?" Bennett growled as he tried not to lash out at him. As much as he wanted to strangle him, he was Sapphire's brother and he knew she wouldn't be happy about it.

"Honestly, I have no interest in being here Mr Milton. The only reason why I'm here is Sapphire." he said in a serious tone. This was important, for all of them especially for his sister. And he would do anything and everything for her. No matter what he had to do or where he had to go.

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