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BENNETT leaned on the doorframe with his hands casually folded before his chest. His lips curled up into a small smile, as he watched his sons sprawled up in his carpet with their colouring books and crayons scattered around. He could hear the cartoon play on his huge flat screen TV, but he didn't pay much attention to it. And looking at the boys he could say that they too were doing the same.

He watched Stella, his middle aged housekeeper carry a tray with two glasses of what looked like chocolate milkshake and a plate of chocolate pastries. He watched his boys as they tore their eyes off the colouring book and looked up at her with a bright smile on their faces. Stella gently placed the tray before the twins and flashed them a warm smile.

The boys picked up their glasses and turned their attention back to Stella and thanked her in union. "Are you sure you boys don't want to eat in the dining room?" she asked in a soft voice as she smiled down at the adorable twins. The boys shook their head, "We like it here." Evan answered with a small smile and turned towards his brother for approval.

"Ok sweeties I'll be in the kitchen, if you boys need something just call me." She stated and stood up. "Thank you Stella." the boys shouted in union making her look at them in awe. She hadn't noticed Bennett there until she finally tore her eyes off the adorable twins.

Bennett stood there and watched his boys with his chest swollen with pride. He could see the way Sapphire had brought them up. And he couldn't feel more proud then he already was. He could see how well mannered the boys were and he could almost see the beautiful way she had moulded them.

"Forgive me Bennett, I didn't hear you come." Stella stated bringing him out of his thoughts. "That's alright Stella. You can go back to whatever you were doing." he answered curtly, his eyes still glued on his sons. She mumbled a thank you and walked away.

Placing his jacket on the couch, Bennett crunched down on the carpet by the boys. Who immediately looked up at him with nervousness. "So what are you boys up to?" he asked with a small smile on his face. The boys exchanged looks with each other and answered, "Waiting for Mommy!"

Bennett gave them a confused look, "Isn't she upstairs?" he asked. The boys shook their head. "Did she say anything about where she was going?" He enquired. "No Daddy, Mommy only said she will came back soon." Ethan answered. Bennett felt his heart skip a beat as he heard the word 'Daddy' escape his sons mouth.

This was the first time he was actually having a conversation with his sons, but yet it felt like they are the biggest and most important part of his life. But something was still missing, his other half, his Sapphire. And there he was back to where they had started. "Daddy when will Mommy come?" Ethan asked bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Don't worry Buddy she'll be home soon." He assured them as he stood up. "I will be right back boys don't go anywhere." he instructed and walked into the kitchen. He cleared his throat making Stella turn towards him. "You need something Mr Milton?" she asked in a tired tone.

"Where is she?" he demanded making her flinch. "I don't know Ben. She said she had to meet a relative." she answered nervously making him roll his eyes. "Bullshit! she doesn't have a family." he snapped running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry but that's what she said." she replied hesitantly.

Bennett stormed out of the kitchen without a second glance. Where was she? And what was she upto? She didn't have a family. Then whom was going to meet? Taking a deep breath he pulled out his phone and dialed her number, and as expected it went straight to her voice mail. "Dammit!" he hissed in annoyance and put his phone back into his pocked, and walked back to the lounge.

The boys weren't on the carpet anymore and a sudden feeling of fear started to rise in his heart. "Ethan? Evan?" he called out but there was no response. Running a hand through his hair he rushed around looking for the boys. Panic struck through his heart and he immediately started shouting their names like a mad man.

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