7: Going On

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Chapter 7: Going On

Nine Months Later

"Lily!" Riley, the nurse that is doing the rounds called.

You see, I'm having quite a great time in this ward for three months now and I will be out as soon as I am better.

"Yes?" I smiled. Depressed people are not always frown and tears you know.

"Boyfriend is here" she smirked.

I blushed at that and denied, "He isn't. He's just being the caring friend"

Yes, Kaden is a caring person. After knowing all the diagnosis, Kaden talked to me about checking in a asylum not because he did not care for me but he told me a story that made me want to get better and normal people in the outside environment couldn't help me be better.

Julie. I first heard her name when Kaden took my cousin Asher home one drunk night. I thought she is some girlfriend or whatever but turns out this Julie Johnson is Kaden's only sibling and his older sister. Who I may add was diagnosed with the same anti social disorder as mine - depression.

I would have disagreed with entering a ward but Kaden told me how Julie suffered from the outside world, she was alone and Kaden would have spent time with her more before she ended her life.

The guy is a fun loving lad but sometimes, people who smiles are the ones battling a war no one could ever thought of. He was trapped with the guilt of not being there when Julie needed someone to talk to.

He wouldn't want the same mistake and he said how much Julie would love it if Kaden give me a hand.

Honestly, he has helped me that first time we met. If it were the others that I kicked a stone to, then I probably would be dead by now. But it was Kaden, and I swear to hand everything just to be better again.

"Hey Hope. How's treatment going?" the guy I was practically thinking of appeared from the double doors that separates the 'normal' to the 'not so normal'.

We agreed that people calls me by that name just to constantly remind me how blessed I am to have a name such as Hope.

"Pretty dang good" I grinned, "Did Laura and Asher arrived for the Holiday?"

It is nearing thanksgiving and the couple which are looking forward to their first child was stationed in New York for College. Yes. My ex sister, Laura, and cousin, Asher, clicked.

Asher is a natural in fact. He never saw the relationship as incest or anything but it still makes my stomach churn just to see them all lovey dovey.

And if you are asking, Laura and I never got close but we've been smiling whenever we meet. Which was only twice so far.

But that's still a good improvement! Kaden says so.

"Hopeeee!!!!" a girly voice shrieked.

Madison and her red dress approached both Kaden and I, hugging me tight after.

"Maddy! I thought you were out of the country?" I smiled.

Madison is still the good friend Kaden and I have. She has been making her songs and playing it for the world to see.

"I was. Kade and the others invited me for thanksgiving" she giggled.

"Sad I couldn't bess you guys with my pressence" I bit my lowerlip.

"Who said you couldn't?" the girl tilted her head while Kaden extended his hand o give me a paper.

"What's this?"

"Pack your things, you're off for a holiday Hope" he smirked.

"Bull" I chortled and jumped as Kaden shrugged with a "I'm the man"

I hugged the two friends I have tight like I don't want them to fade like those henna tattoo does.

"Oh Kade, tell her now" Maddy stopped as we exit the building, to smile at the guy.

"About what?" The two ignored me like I didn't ask anything.

Oh please.

"See you tomorrow Hope. We definitely have shopping to do" she then turned for me.

"See you Maddy" I kissed her cheek just as she did mine.

The lady sauntered to her Audi A4 and waved before revving her engine alive.

"So I was thinking..." Kaden trailed, scratching the back of his neck.

I waite for him to finish but all he did was stood there hesitating on something that makes my curiosity grow.

"Spit it out Johnson. I never thought that Kaden Johnson could loose his train of thoughts" I giggled, slapping his upperarm.

Damn. He is working out these days, that I am sure.

"Okay okay" he chuckled, "I'm not the greatest guy to ask someone out so I'll do it my own way"

Ask someone out?

Is he asking me out? Or is he asking someone out and would like to ask me about it?

His hand travelled to my waist and pulled me close that there is no space between us, "Hope Carter, I'll pick you up 4pm tomorrow. Dress casual but you could surprise me with bikinis if you'd like but I won't be going on with my plans then if you do"

I hid a laugh but this is indeed Kaden's way of asking someone out. Just like he did months ago.

"I have homework to do" I thinned my lips for me to fight a grin.

"In a friday night?" he chortled, "Oh come on Hope it is just yes or hell yeah"

"Then hell yeah" I shout my answer kissing his lips hard like an anchor I hold onto when I am lost and afraid.

Kaden Johnson is a guy who was there for me when I thought I needed no one, so who am I to not go out with him?

He completes me and I know it.

I stopped needing anyone but this guy isn't here with me because I need him, but because I want him to be here - with me, like the Romeo to my Juliet and the James Dean to my Audrey Hepburn.

The End

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