Chapter 3- Children at Heart

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A/N: Wow even one more chapter! This is just awesome, isn't it? By the way, where I live, it's snowing like crazy! We have this epic blizzard and I can't wait to sled and maybe even build a giant snowman tomorrow. It's gonna be so much fun! Now onto the story...

"Remember when we used to play Base Quest?" Sophie asked, wandering around the grassy plains. "It feels like so long ago."

Biana smiled. "Sure does," she agreed. "Everyone wanted to be on your team because you could track people telepathically."

"I'm not the only one now," Sophie protested. "Fitz can too."

Suddenly, Biana squealed. "I have an idea!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down. "We should play Base Quest again! For old times sake."

"I don't know, Biana," Sophie said. "Keefe and Fitz are in the Silver Towers. Plus they probably have a lot of work."

"Oh please," Biana disagreed. "Fitz can practice his Telepathy while playing and Keefe... Well we all know that Keefe probably isn't studying anyway."

Sophie laughed. "Fair enough. So you want to call them?"

"I was actually thinking we could go visit them."


Biana knocked on the door three times before Fitz came to answer it.

"Who is- Oh hey Biana," he grinned, beckoning for her to come inside. Behind her, he spotted Sophie. "Oh, um, hi Sophie. Can you give me a moment?"

He quickly stuffed something into his pocket and closed the door before she could answer. Shaking her head in confusion, Sophie paced outside the door, only to hear voices arguing inside.

"Are you kidding me? Do it now!" Biana was yelling.

Fitz's voice followed. "No way. I have to plan something and figure it out and get up the nerve in the first place."

Then came a voice she wasn't expecting. Keefe.

"Yeah if you wait to get up your nerve, it's never going to happen," he advised. "Besides, sooner is better than later."

Their voices turned to whispers as if they could tell that Sophie was listening. All she could make out were a bunch of worried "what if"s from Fitz.

"That's it," Biana said in a normal voice. "Won't you two just let the poor girl in?"

Apparently the "poor girl" was Sophie, because moments later Fitz opened the door. The item he had stuffed into his pocket was gone now and he held his arm out for her to come inside.

"Sorry I just closed the door," he apologized. "I kind of panicked."

Keefe muttered something under his breath that sounded very much like "idiot." Rolling his eyes, Fitz shot him a glare and turned back to Sophie and Biana. "So what's up?"

"We wanted to ask you guys to play Base Quest," Biana explained.

Before Fitz and Keefe could respond, Sophie added, "For old times sake, of course."

Keefe laughed. "Sure, why not? It's not like we were studying anyway."

Sophie raised her eyebrows at Fitz. "I thought you were supposed to be working on cognate training."

"What better way to do it than with my Cognate?" Fitz proposed, smiling at her. "We can be on the same team."

Sophie's heart unwillingly fluttered at his movie star smile and she choked out, "Okay."

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