Chapter 6- Secrets Revealed

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A/N: Yay next chapter! Man, you guys won't believe this- I haven't been to school for ten days! This snow is getting out of hand. Not that I'm complaining of course, more time to write! Also, shoutout it TURTLES2001 because she finally finished the whole "Good Match" series. If you haven't gone and read it, really go give it a read. It's Team Keefe, but it's still really good. Anyway, I posted a picture of the ring Fitz used to propose to Sophie, which is actually a really pretty ring that my mom bought me for my birthday. I just felt like it would be the perfect one. Anyway, here's the long awaited chapter!

Fitz took a deep breath and said the last words. "I love you. Will you make me the happiest guy in the world and... Marry me?"

It took Sophie a few moments to process what was going on, but when she did, it shocked her.

Fitz Vacker was proposing to her.

In the museum where he first found her.

And he was waiting for her to say yes.

She smiled as she said the words she knew were inevitable. "Yes."

Fitz's eyes lit up. "Really? You will?"

Sophie laughed. "Yes, Fitz. I'll marry you."

Just as the words left her mouth, he whooped and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her so tightly that he lifted her off the floor. After he set her down, he slipped the beautiful ring onto her finger.

In the center was a perfectly cut stone that was the most beautiful shade of teal she had ever seen, the color of his eyes. The stone was set on a ring of diamonds spiraling into the silver band.

"Fitz, it's beautiful," she whispered, twisting the ring on her finger. She looked around, remembering once again that they were in the human world. "But, come on we have to go stop the rebels."

Fitz grinned. "Sophie, there's no wedding and the rebels don't exist," he revealed. "Dad, Mom, and Biana helped me set the whole thing up so I could propose to you."

Sophie's jaw dropped. "But the crystal... And the outfits..."

"I persuaded the Council to give me a temporary leaping crystal," he explained. "It's also how I got the outfits."

"You did all this just to propose to me?" Sophie marveled. "That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me."

Fitz smiled. "Well, I figured that if our story began here, we should also have our happy ending here," he reasoned. "Besides, elves don't really do big proposals so it's more appropriate to do in the human world anyway."

Sophie's eyes widened as she realized how huge this proposal truly was. She took a deep breath, remembering her promise to him in Telepathy not long ago. "You were my number one," she told him. "And my secret was that I had a crush on you pretty much since I met you."

Fitz smile grew, but he didn't reply. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Sophie and leaned in for a kiss.

"I love you," he breathed when they broke apart.

Sophie stared into his incredibly teal eyes, the first eyes she had ever truly seen of an elf. "I love you too."


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