Chapter 19- The Second Graduation

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A/N: I know you guys have been waiting for this chapter for nearly a month, and I really am sorry it's taken that long. I'm going to have a super busy summer, but I will try to update whenever possible. But for now, you may consider this story to be on hiatus until further notice.

But there is good news! This chapter will have Sophie's graduation, so yay! Until then, here's the chapter...

After several excruciating hours of shoe shopping, Sophie found herself back in the rehearsal room for one final practice. Hours of waiting backstage and a few minutes of glory onstage was the general schedule, but every student was still panting by the end of the performance.

"I think we're ready," Biana announcer confidently once they had finished. "Tomorrow's the day."

Sophie smiled, placing a hand on Biana's shoulder. "It'll turn out perfect." She turned to the other elves. "Remember to be here thirty minutes early, guys. And be in costume."

"And get a good night's sleep," Dex suggested. "Tomorrow's going to be intense."

"We can do this!" Biana encouraged, cuing loud cheers from everyone else. Soon, they were all filing out of the room. Picking up her bag and walking to the door, Sophie quickly hugged her friends. "See you guys tomorrow!"

She was still waving bye when the light swept her away .


"What do you think?" Sophie twirled in front of the mirror, smoothing down her sleeveless midnight blue dress with starry gems. Her blond hair was pinned back in a braided bun with a few strands hanging to frame her face, but the braid was set off by a glittering blue ribbon of satin twisted into it. Her blue eye shadow and red lipstick made her feel like a doll, but Edaline had assured her that it wouldn't be very visible on stage. Triggered by the question, Vertina appeared in the spectral mirror and studied Sophie's outfit.

"Nothing bad this time, I hope?" she asked.

Sophie shook her head, a nervous smile on her face. "Just graduating."

"Ah." Vertina gave her a distant smile as if remembering something from a long time ago. "I remember Jolie getting ready for her graduation. She looked beautiful."

"I'll bet," Sophie agreed. "What color was her dress?"

"Rosy pink," Vertina answered, a faraway look in her eyes. "It was an ombré dress that faded from white to pink. She looked stunning." She scanned Sophie up and down. "You don't look half bad yourself."

"Thanks," Sophie answered with a slight laugh. She turned to the doorway as Grady and Edaline walked in. Immediately, Edaline squealed and placed a hand over her mouth.

Grady placed two hands on Sophie's bare shoulders and smiled at her. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." She walked over to Edaline and wrapped her arms tightly around her. "I'm going to miss you guys so much."

Edaline nodded, hugging back and finally loosening her grip on her daughter. Staring at the both of them with a slight smile, Grady broke through the silence. "Let's save the tears for the wedding, huh?"

That brought shaky laughs to both their faces as they made their way up to the fourth floor cupola and let the Leapmaster whisk them away.


"Okay guys," Biana announced, clapping her hands. "This is it." She scanned the room, her eyes finally landing on the people who had been her close friends since the end of Level Two. And now they were finishing Level Eight...

"We're ready," Sophie assured, half trying to convince herself. "We can do this. We can put on a great show." She pumped a fist in the air. "For Foxfire!"

Cheers echoed throughout the room, only dying down when the familiar music that they had all been training to began playing loudly on stage.

First were the Vanishers, appearing onto stage and on platforms above the audience. Darting from one end of the room to the other with flips and running. Their shimmering ribbons and color-changing outfits, along with the blinking lights manipulated by Flashers, created quite the starting spectacle.

Technopaths began manipulating the platforms so they moved over the crowd. The Vanishers, flanked by Hydrokinetics, watched as the Hydrokinetics shot beams of water up into the air, which Frosters froze when they hit the ceiling. Soon, the room was covered with beautiful icicles hanging from the ceiling.

Sophie watched as Biana, Dex, and Linh did their parts, a wide yet nervous smile on her face. The upbeat music changed to one of mystery. Shades, including Tam, stepped onto the stage and covered the lights manipulated by Flashers with an ominous darkness. Sophie took a deep breath. It was time.

She stepped onto the stage, surrounded by Empaths. Orbs floated in the air, supported by Gusters, who also swirled glitter through the air at the same time, at the edges of the stage. Colors representing feelings as Sophie inflicted various emotions, sensed by the Empaths, into the orbs. Just before she dashed off the stage, she locked eyes with her family and Fitz and Keefe, bringing a wide smile to her face.

The next few hours were a blur, Sophie only going onstage for her Polyglot performance. It wasn't until the lights dimmed once more that she was cued for her Telepath and Teleporting performance.

Holding her arms out, Sophie began using her telekinesis to move various objects all over stage. Her mind flashed back to the first time she had used her telekinesis, the shocking day at the museum when she stopped a lamp post from falling on her. This was the moment she had prepared for ever since that day.

She felt a tug in her stomach, but ignored it, continuing to move the objects around from her elevated platform. The bright lights and cheering audience faded away- it was just her and her ability.

Before she knew it, she was cued to begin projecting the intricate images onto banners she had moved onto the stage. Sophie sighed; the hard part was over. As she projected the image, the world came back into focus until she received her cue for teleporting.

Projecting one last image onto the banner, she jumped off the platform and found herself back in the familiar void she had been in countless times before. She directed it towards the stage, and soon, she was standing on the middle of the stage with a wide grin, panting as the music slowly faded and the show came to an end.

Before the names were called in alphabetical order, as they had trained for, Magnate Leto stepped onto stage and motioned for Biana, Linh, Dex, and Tam to follow. Sophie stood her ground.

"These five talented elves coordinated and led the entire spectacle you just witnessed," he announced. "Please give them a round of applause- not only for the show, but for all they have done for the Elvin world thus far."

Loud clapping and foot stomping brought even wider smiles, if that was possible, to the elves' faces. Just the proud gazes from all her friends and family in the audience were enough to make Sophie's day.

She mouthed an "I love you" to Fitz, not forgetting that he had done the same for her at his graduation. With one final bow, she stepped of the stage for the last time she ever would, not once looking back.

Training was finished.

Now it was time to face the real world.

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