The truth comes out

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Alex started off with the long story, " ok...", he said taking a deep breath and mentally preparing himself. He called my mom down, " mooooom, we need you this is very important." I was starting to get annoyed. Why couldn't he just tell me.

My mom came down and in a second her attitude dropped from her normal cheerful self to the serious side of her I only saw when I got in trouble.

As if reading my mind she started talking.

" ok .... Where to begin... Oh I know! Ok so you might be wondering what this is all about, well there is a reason why you rarely see dad and me at home. We run a plot of land with a bunch of people. So just imagine us being majors of a big town." This was getting weird already and I could tell she sensed my discomfort. Anyway she kept going. "So we rule over people, but we are not normal and neither are you or your brother. We have a pack and I am the Luna and your dad is the alpha." This started to sound a lot like the werewolf books my mom made me read as a kid... Wait it was all making sense until my mom said one thing. That was the thing I was the most afraid of.

"Your a werewolf sweetie, and so are we", my mom told me. All I remember after that was darkness and a feeling like I was falling into a hole that had no bottom.

When I woke up I couldn't move, it was like I was paralyzed. Slowly I started to move my toes, then my legs and arms until finally I opened my eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Someone dim the lights!"

"Oh sorry miss", a man said to me, he was dressed( I hope so lol 😊)like a doctor but he looked to be in his late 20's.

"Who are you and where am",I asked the stranger.

"I'm the pack doctor and... "

After that I was out cold and I told myself ,'wow I really need to stop doing that'.

Hope you enjoyed! Tell me if you have any ideas for a next chapter. @ Frenchhorngurl thanks for all the Pottsville feedback! And brighteys987 .Thanks I appreciate it!,

Wait I am a werewolf... And HE'S my mate?!Where stories live. Discover now