t h r e e

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An: thanks for all of the love!!! I appreciate comments and votes so much. It is the reason I keep writing.

Enjoy the chapter...

Xoxo, anonblonde <3

Opposites attract right? When I was in second grade, we had learned about the magnetic fields on Earth. We took two magnets of the same poles and tried to force them together, they wouldn't stay. We took the North And South poles of the magnets and they couldn't stay apart. The opposites were attracted to each other.

That is not my case.

Cade has avoided me like the flu. I have not seen him since our meltdown in the library. I didn't like to think that he was ignoring me but he hasn't showed up for class for the past week and he is all the girls talk about.

"Did you see what Cade was wearing at the party?"

"Cade is so hot when he rides his motorcycle."

"Look at his tattoos oh my god!"

I was tired of hearing about Cade. So, I began to do other things to take my mind off of everything. I picked up extra shifts at the library and even went as far as doing a yoga session.

Walking into Dawson's class on Monday I was completely and oddly satisfied. I have no clue why but it was as my life was going right. Everything was working itself out. Walking in the class with my head down, I walked between the rows to find my seat. I heard other people talking and realised class was about to begin. Reaching my seat I looked at the boot in the chair. My eyebrows scrunched before traveling up the leg and chest before meeting Cades blank face.

"This seat is taken." He said with no emotion present. I was taken back at the fact he is in class but respected his choice.

"I'm sorry, I'll find another seat..." I said before making my way over to the far left of the class. I made sure to sit above the row Cade was in to avoid looking at him.

Georgia walked into the classroom with her notebooks in hand and Cade removed his boot from the seat. I watched her sit and decided it was for good.

"Alright! Let's get started shall we?" Dawson said with a sinister smile.
"I just need to see who's here....." He sat down at a computer and looked around. After counting for everybody's attendance, Dawson had to make a joke as usual.

"Ahhh Cade I see you're here today"? I didn't turn around but I perked my ears to hear cade talk.

"Unfortunately." He muttered. Dawson's smile faltered a bit but he wouldn't let Cade get to him.

"Alright, some happier than others..." Dawson said under his breath.

I smiled to myself a little as none of us were happy to be in Dawson's class. Opening my book for drawings I turned to a random page and started to sketch a body. Adding hips and thighs I tuned out the horrid teacher. Eventually the lecture turned into one of mental illnesses. I put my pen down and looked around the class room. Everyone's eyes were cast down to their desks, some even completely closed.

"So I can tell nobody wants to talk about mental issues effecting the body?" Dawson said adjusting the glasses on his face. He looked around the class and chuckled to himself. "Its funny how none of you want to discuss the topic yet its more common than you think." He said with a distaste in his mouth. "Anorexia, bulimia, binge eating?" He scanned the class again. No one was brave enough to answer him. "I'll let you in on some statistics. Around 90% of people diagnosed with these disorders are women. Most of the cases are started in the teenage years, although they can develop later in life. I'll let you in on a secret, its probably because young women are taught that thinner is better. They see the fit or skinny models in the media and it unconsciously makes them think they have to be thin to be pretty. Let's not forget about Men though. Through media they are told to be 6'0, muscular, and carry a big package." Everyone's heads shot up and a couple snickers could be heard. "Let's be real. I don't want anyone to be offended by this conversation but how many of you have a type that you look for in a sexual partner? You don't have to answer but I know its most of you." Dawson kept talking and I could think was, this man isn't as much of an airhead as he lead on.

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