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Wow... 1.72k views??? (actually it's more than 2k now!!@ wtfff).... I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this book. I'm delighted to share a piece of my imagination with you. I'm just a 16 year old girl who wants a realistic and raw story about love. I understand I'm not perfect and my characters aren't perfect and my plot isn't perfect and my descriptions aren't perfect and basically my book is a rough draft but.. I want to thank you for giving it a chance!!!!

xoxo, anonblonde <3


"Fuck you Cade!" I say shivering and soaking wet.

I hear laughing behind me and swing my arm. Cade ducks down still dry and sly as ever.

"Don't be mad sweetheart. You looked a little hot so I thought a dip in the ocean would do you some good." He attempts to say without laughing.

I look at the stars and at the black water as it crashes onto the shore. I don't even know where we are exaxtly. I know the closet beach to campus is an hour and a half away...

Why would this dumbass drive out here?

I still hear Cade laughing and I cross my arms over my chest.

"Cade I'm cold." I say as the water starts to sink my feet in the sand.

He looks at me and I frown.

"Don't be a crybaby Eve." Cade says looking worried. I frown a little more and push my boobs up with my arms.

"But cade.." I whine a little more.

He rolls his eyes and let's out a huff of air.

"Okay. Fine." He declares walking up to me.


"I think a hug will warm me up." I say with a soft smile. He rolls his eyes as I take small steps back into the water.

I need to time this just right....

He locks his arms around my frame and pushes my head against his chest. I can feel his heart beat along with the warmth of his arms. Closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around him I sneak a smug smile in.

With a couple of baby steps back I'm knee deep in the water.

"Okay Eve, maybe we should have back-" He starts before I twist him around and push.

Cades eyes are locked onto mine and I'm smiling like a cheetah with its prey. His back hits the water and he's engulfed into the waves.

I try to pull back but I feel the grip on my arm tighten.


Before I know it I'm clashing down into the dark water with Cade. The coldness is surroding me again and I'm screaming under the water.

I poke my head back up and see Cade doing the same. I look at him and laugh. He looks in my direction and scowls.

"Oh... you're gonna get it." He states before lunging at me with a smirk.


"You started it." I say stomping against the sand.

"You started it." Cade mocks.

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