t w e l v e

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PLEASE DONT HATE ME IVE HAD A WRITERS BLOCK IM SO SORRY I JUST DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO WRITE AND IM SO SO SO SO SORRY. Hey guys! I just started back to school. Ap classes are KICKING MY ASS UP AND DOWN THE HALLWAYS. Anyways, writing has always been a VERY good distraction for me so enjoy this chapter!!!! What the figgity fuck I'm at like 40k reads when did this shit happen oh my God I'm a horrible writer wtf wtd wtf

xoxo, anonblonde <3


"TATTOOS?" I sputter out.

My heart drops to my ass, but just as it settles it comes up my throat to the roof of my mouth.

"Cade?" I quietly speak.

His head whips over to look at me and I outwardly gag.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." I say with my eyes closed.

"If you don't want to do this just say no." Cade is standing in front of me when my eyes open. He has a lopsided smile on his face and his hands sitting in his pockets.

"I just wasn't ready. You didn't give me time to prepare or plan or think about the design-" He takes a hand out of his pocket and places a finger on my lips silencing me.

"You're going to have time to make the tattoo of your dreams. Do you want to get a tattoo?" He smiles and I shake my head yes, not really sure what I just agreed to. "If you get scared you can hold my hand." He smiles at me.

I blush and look at the concrete. Cade spins around and starts to walk into the parlor. I hurriedly rush behind him, being in an unfamiliar setting.

As he opens the door, the walls are a dark purple. There is a shelf with display books along the entire wall in rows. The shop smells clean but there is a type of smell that is floating through the air that is manly or leathery. I look around at the cases of plugs and belly button jewelry as they glimmer in the light. There is a woman at the desk and her head lifts up to at the sight of Cade.

"Hey, long time no see." She smiles and her long black hair is lifted off the counter.

She's wearing a tanktop of some sort and no bra. She comes out from behind the counter and has some 90s type high-waisted jeans with cuts all over. Within the tears, I see multiple tattoos adorning her legs.

One that is clear is the black roses adoring her upper thigh. They wrap around as if they are delicately accessorizing her leg. My eyes stay at the hole in her pants until she begins to speak.

"Finally doing your legs?" She smiles at Cade and I see a small gap inbetween her teeth.

Cades lifts an arm and places it around my shoulder. The warmth makes goosebumps arise on my arms.

"Eve here, is going to get her first tattoo." He looks at me and I smiles at the girl.

"Hi, I'm Eve. Nice to meet you." I stick my hand out and she meets my hand with her own.

"I'm Nicole. Nice to meet you." She winks and I slowly bring my hand to my side blushing.

So who is summer?

"Where is Summer at?" Cade looks around the shop and removes his arm from my shoulder.

As she speaks, she walks over to the counter and grabs something," Ummm- she was here" She bends back up to tuck her hair behind her ear. "She should be around here somewhere. Maybe with John? I'm not sure."

I stand awkwardly and twirl a piece of my fallen out bun back into place.

"Summer! Get your ass in here!" The girl yells out to no one in particular.

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