Chapter Eleven.

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“You’re really going to make me do this?” Zayn looked down at me, his eyes showed me that he was trying to hard to seem annoyed. I rolled my eyes and stood on my tiptoes to kiss his soft pink lips. Of course every cell in my body created their own Goosebumps as Zayn let his hands fall to the small of my back pushing me against him.

“See, I always get what I want,” I smirk and bite my lower lip pulling away from Zayn slowly and meeting his brown eyes. My whole body about collapsed right there, probably because his eyes had a way of captivating me, and paralyzing me. I finally got the strength to pull away from Zayn and walk to his front door. I had to grip the handle tightly and close my eyes, for some reason the last couple days I had been getting really light headed.

“I still don’t understand why you want to do this, you used to hate this.” Zayn hadn’t noticed my weirdness the time we’d be around one another the past week since dress shopping because I was doing a good job of hiding it, mostly because I knew it couldn’t have been anything serious.

“Well someone told me ‘just let yourself fall Erin,’ and I did. I let myself fall, that same person caught me.” My dizzy spell had stopped and I held Zayn’s hand in mine while we walked. I knew he remembered the words because his face pained.

“That same person left you standing in front of your high school heartbroken and damaged.” We were halfway to the elevator now and I stopped walking. Zayn caught my eye and I watched the chocolate brown cloud over with sadness which hurt me.

“But look at that person now. He’s a man standing in front of me, all the love in the world invested into me, he caught me, and put me down for a breather is all, but he’s picked me up again.” Zayn let one tear leave his eyes, just one. But then he smirked and shook his head walking again.

“You’re going to be the end of me Erin,” We were in the elevator now, and a dizzy spell had taken over. I gripped tighter to Zayn and leant into the cold metal wall, I was seriously having enough of this game. I wasn’t sick.

“looks like I’m going to be the death of you too, are you okay babe?” I laughed at Zayn’s worry while both of his hands went to my waist trying to sooth me. Always the one to overreact, but I guess that’s one of the things I loved so much about Zayn. He was quick to worry, but sometimes it was needed, now not being one of those times.

“I’m fine love, don’t worry your pretty head,” I recollected myself from my dizzy spell and ruffled Zayn’s hair. He nodded his head but the worry didn’t leave his face. I knew he would stay worried for the rest of the day, but when we would lay in his bed later tonight and cuddle, steal a few kisses under the sheets he would forget about it.

James had gone back to Iowa, for obvious reasons known to the number of us involved. He just didn’t know it was so obvious to myself. However I wasn’t letting that bug me. With James gone that meant I could be with Zayn, whenever and wherever I wanted. No one really saw Zayn and I that saw James and I, and if someone had saw us ad told James, it would have saved me a lot of drama.

“This place brings back to many memories.” I grabbed Zayn’s hand once we were out of the car, staring out at the beach where so many of our nights were spent. Not only had I once been terrified of the things Zayn was capable of, this beach was where he had randomly violated me in front of the entire school.

I couldn’t deny that the beach reminded me of my old life. Zach and Carly cuddled together under the same blanket, before he left her when she was pregnant. Matt snapping surprising pictures of Zayn and I, before he killed himself. Tristan walking me down the beach with his hand around mine, trying so hard to seem like we were perfect for each other. And Molly playing her guitar making up songs about our group of friends, before she was being played on the radio. Everything had changed between now and high school, more than I had realized before.

Damaged. (Zayn Malik) *Sequel to Dangerous*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora