Chapter Thirteen.

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WOAH! Double update! Guys let me know what you think! The cover for the third and final book is up, it’s called ‘dreaming’ I need your opinions so do me a huge favor and go over and look at it and leave me a comment (:

Erin’s Pov.

My eyelids suddenly felt really heavy as soon as I tried to open them. So just before I could catch a glimpse at anything happening in the room they shut again. It had been days of this, unsure of what was going on, where I was, and why I couldn’t open my eyes. I heard a rush of a person moving and suddenly my hand was warm. Someone was there.

“Erin baby?” The raspy whisper sent shivers up my spine. I wanted so badly to open my eyes because I knew that voice, it was Zayn. And it had occurred to me that the first thing I wanted to see when my eyes finally opened was to see Zayn. But for now all I did was groan because words weren’t forming in my throat.

“Oh baby, I’m so sorry this is happening to you.” Zayn’s smooth lips curled around my knuckle and another set of chills ran over me. However this time I heard a rapid beeping that seemed to match my heartbeat. Zayn let out a soft giggle, and I could almost see him shaking his head at the ground.

“I can never get sick of knowing I cause that,” It was that comment that made me realize I must be hooked up to a heart monitor. Wait- why was I hooked up to a heart monitor? Where the hell was I?! Duh Erin, where’s the only place a heart monitor would be, but why was I here? I didn’t understand.

“Erin please, open your eyes. I need to know you’re in there, I can’t be without you, it’s been days baby, I need you.” The whisper drifted off and Zayn’s mouth kissed my hand again. It left moisture, not from his mouth, but from the tear that fell from his eyes. I felt horrible, had I done something to deserve to be here? What happened? Why couldn’t I just open my damn eyes and talk to him.

“I’ll be here when you wake up baby, I promise. It’s the only thing I can promise at this point, but I will be here, and you will wake up.” Was there a chance that I wouldn’t wake up? I was so confused, how had I ended up here? Had I fallen off the rocks when with Zayn?

“Mr. Malik, it’s time for me to change her IV,” A women’s voice interrupted my boyfriends voice. Wait- was Zayn even my boyfriend? Could I consider him that? Of course not, I was getting married. Or at least I was supposed to me getting married. But as the women talked I became aware of the needle in my arm.

“Has she been responsive at all? Do we know if she’s ready to wake up?” Zayn’s nervous voice had backed away and someone was touching my arm. I felt a needle pull out of my arm and then something wet clean the area.

“She seems to be slowly coming out of a coma, but you know what happens after that,” Zayn sighed at her words. Wait a minute! I was in a coma?! For how long?! Why had no one told me?! Oh my god, are you stupid Erin? And then what happens when I wake up? Are they going to kill me?! All the thoughts in brain caused my heart to pick up, and the beeps showed it.

“Whoa, calm down Erin, It’s okay,” The women spoke. However, that didn’t calm me down, I was still panicked and the beeps sped up more. What was going on with me? Why was I in here? What happened? I had to many questions to just sit in this bed and do nothing about it. I was officially determined to get out of this bed, right now.

“Zayn, here Hun, try to calm her down, I’m going to get a doctor.” The nurse or whoever she was dropped my arm carefully and walked off. I felt Zayn touch my stomach and push down trying to calm my breathing, but I thrashed. My leg moved heavily and I heard Zayn gasp. I kept moving body parts as much as I could, no matter the strength it took.

“Sir, please exit the room,” A worried voice told Zayn. The man had to say it multiple times before I heard the door close telling me my love had left. No! He had to come back! Zayn!

“Erin,” The doctor tried to calm me down but the beeping of my heart monitor was going crazy, I needed Zayn. I wanted his touch, I needed it. That was all, I just wanted Zayn.

Finally after what seemed like forever, I stopped moving and something magical happened. My eyes blinked open, and all I saw was white. That confirmed my worst fear, I was in the hospital. The doctors worried face was the first thing I saw, I wanted the first thing I saw to be Zayn. I understand why it wasn’t, but that’s what I wanted. Why couldn’t they give me that?

“Zayn.” I managed to choke out. The doctor looked over to the nurse who walked over to the door. I heard it open and her say something, and suddenly all at once Zayn was at my side, tears streaming down his face. I hated to see this, Zayn didn’t cry. Not over anything, although he seemed to be doing a lot more of it lately.

“Do you remember what happened Erin?” Zayn asked me. One of his hands laced its fingers through mine, the other hand pushing hair off of my forehead. I melted at Zayn’s touch, but I somehow was able to shake my head. There was no way I would be able to talk.

“Erin, we’re sorry to tell you, but you have cancer.” And the whole entire world stopped. Everything, and everyone disappeared. The only thing I saw was a small baby blue spot of paint on the white wall above some counters on the side of my room. Zayn was no longer there, the doctors had vanished, and my world fell down around me. Cancer?

“We’re going to be able to cure you, but you’re still too early to start chemo. When you are to stage three you can start, but that may not be for months. And therapy may take months as well, but you will live.” his words brought little ease, my eyes still stayed focused on the wall. I had cancer.

“For now we will give you medication to help with the symptoms, but everything is going to be fine.” I finally looked away from the wall and up to meet the sad brown eyes of Zayn. His face was covered in fear, I wondered if that’s what I looked like. But the thing that bothered me, was that in his eyes, was terror. He was scared. He had no reason to be scared, they said I would live. But the thing was, I had cancer. And that didn’t effect just me, Zayn cared more for me than for himself.

Damaged. (Zayn Malik) *Sequel to Dangerous*Where stories live. Discover now