18 | Alone With Supervision

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The photo above is Lauren. Comment what you think of this chapter!! :)

My body reacted immediately to the feeling of his lips on mine. My eyes slid shut subconsciously, my heart began pounding wildly against my chest, and there was a haziness that entered my mind. All I could think about was how good his lips felt. His tongue coaxed my lips against before slipping into my mouth to deepen the kiss.

Nathan's arms tightened around me and pulled me closer as my mouth moved in sync with his. I had to lean against his chest for support when I suddenly felt my knees buckle and legs wobble. But he pulled away after what felt like an eternity wrapped up into a few seconds and cold air hit my lips rather than his warm soft ones.

When I opened my eyes, Nathan was looking down at me with an expression I've never seen before. He looked confused but also satisfied. But this was Nathan and he was a macho man that didn't like feelings and emotions, so his half smile contorted into a smirk a moment later as he glanced down at me.

"Who knew the good girl was a decent kisser?" Nathan muses with his face still inches from mine.

I blink at him in confusion, unsure how he could go from rude to decent to kissing me to rude again all in the cycle of a few minutes. And I admit that beings a little drunk didn't exactly help my thought process. But even I couldn't ignore the ferocious beating of my heart or the way my lips yearned for another kiss.

My eyes even dipped to his lips before meeting his gaze again. "Why did you do that?"

Nathan stared at me for a moment while his expression hardens. "It was either me or Thomas and I had a feeling that you'd be pretty angry tomorrow morning had it been the latter."

I confused myself when I deflated and felt disappointed by his words. A small part of me wished that he would've said that he did it because he wanted to or because he feels the same weird feelings that I feel. But that small part was idiotic for ever indulging in the idea of Nathan being interested in me, so I tried to shake it off.

I was still leaning against Nathan for support, so I straightened up and attempted to stand on my own. He straightened as well as his calculating gaze studied me. "Right," I say to steady my wobbling mind. "Thanks, I guess."

His obnoxious smirk grew. "You want me to do it again, don't you?"

My heart skipped a beat as the words left his lips because, well, he was spot on. But I recognized the playful glint in his eye and realized that he was just messing with me and tried to seem nonchalant as I scoffed at him.

"You wish," I was painfully aware at how weak of a comeback I had given.

Nathan's smirk widens. "It's okay to admit it, kitten. I know that I'm the best looking guy in school, so it's only natural to be attracted to me."

"Shut up Nathan," I settle for saying as a small smile falls on my lips.

Someone bumps into me as they pass and send me stumbling toward Nathan once more. He steadies me as I blushed uncharacteristically at the feeling of his arms around me again. I look up at him and saw him still smirking down t me.

"Do you want to get out of here?" He questions suddenly.

I frown at him and take a step away from him while hoping that people would learn to watch where they're going. "I just told you that I don't want to kiss you again!"

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