43 | Happy

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Vote & comment if you did a happy dance this chapter because I know I definitely did. Also added a picture of Nathan! Enjoy :)

"I wanted to tell you," Nathan says in between breaths, his blue eyes piercing mine through the darkness of the room. "That I really fucking like you, kitten."

I blinked at him and felt utterly frozen. I had guessed that maybe he liked kissing me, but I would never think that Nathan Rhodes would like me. I stared at him, unable to believe his words, unable to move from my state of shock, unable to respond. So he kept talking.

"I really fucking like that you wear my sweatshirts, and even more when you blush because I catch you in them," Nathan continues as a smile flashes across his face. "I really fucking like that you're stubborn as hell and you don't take my shit," He continues, his eyes as blue as I'd ever seen them. "I really fucking love your music taste, that's for sure." Nathan chuckles a little when he admits the last one. "I never know what you're thinking and I always want to. You're crazy sexy and you don't even know it. Girls like you don't exist, Lauren."

My heart was pounding against my chest aggressively, and yet all my attention is on Nathan. The way his lips moved as he spoke and the words that shook me to the core. 

"I tried to stay away from you because I didn't want to fuck you up," Nathan's intense gaze is captivating. "A guy like me doesn't deserve a girl like you." My heart drops a little when he says this, but he immediately continues, "But I can't stay away, because I really fucking like you, and I really fucking want you. All the time. I can't just watch you get hit on at parties without physically restraining myself from making it known to everyone that you're mine, even though you aren't."

Nathan pulls away a little so he can watch my reaction carefully, which was to be expected, but my mind was suddenly going entirely too haywire as his words resonated in me. Nathan liked me. Correction: Nathan really fucking liked me. I stared at him thoughtfully, and then a smile stretched across my lips, so big that I had to bite my lip to contain it. His eyes followed the movement and stayed trained on my lips as I spoke.

"Well, good, because I really fucking like you too," Despite my attempts to control it, my grin was so wide to match the thundering of my heart as I finally tell him what I've been feeling for months. 

A grin overtook his face immediately after seeing mine and Nathan leaned forward to give me a long kiss that caught me off guard and yet made my entire body feel on fire. My lips reacted before my mind caught up, but Nathan pulled away disappointingly soon as a somber expression overtakes his features.

He looks at me seriously. "Just so we're clear, this means that I'm your boyfriend now," He grins, his resolve breaking at the word 'boyfriend'. "and you're my girlfriend. I can hereby kiss you whenever I want, hold your hand whenever, and beat up any guy that hits on you. I grant you the same rights. We are together now."

I grinned back at him even wider, feeling butterflies fluttering around in my stomach as he says this. Nathan was confirming us. The first thing I thought was, Am I dreaming? The second was, I have to tell my mom and Luke for their stupid bet. But all my frantic, scattered thoughts were diminished when I finally nod in agreement.

My cheeks hurt from the oversized and long overdue smile that I wore, but I could care less. I was happy. "But no obnoxious pet names, right?"

Nathan pretends like this is a problem as he narrows his eyes. "You mean I'm not allowed to call you shnookums?" 

I, however, remain impassive as I give him a blank look. "Not even as a joke." 

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