52 | Locked In

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Just as a forewarning, this story will be ending soon, as I've already somehow reached 50 chapters (I still cant believe it)! Vote and comment, and I promise to update soon!

I also started a new story called Camp Wisahickon. Go to my page and check it out! :)

I was a mess when I stepped foot in school. My heart was racing all day in anticipation of Asher's stupid plan and the nervous butterflies that fluttered in the pit of my stomach only increased tenfold as the day progressed. 

Not to mention that Nina and her minions pounced on me the second they caught wind that I was done hiding my face in hoodies. The moment Nina's scrutinizing gaze landed on my ripped jeans, converse, and faded Rolling Stones tee, she accused me of trying to get attention again. 

Despite the excessive taunting and harsh words, my mind was focused far away elsewhere to be remotely hurt by Nina and her friends. The mere thought of seeing Nathan had me in a whirlwind of nerves and my heart wouldn't cease its erratic beating. I mean, who's to say Asher's stupid plan would really work? 

According to him, I was supposed to be waiting in the art room five minutes into the lunch hour. He told me that he would get Nathan inside-- he spared me specifics, of course-- and then the plan was that "we talk". Even though I pointed out the obvious-- the most likely case that Nathan will simply walk out and leave without hearing me out-- Asher was hell bent that the plan would work. 

By the time the bell rang to signal lunch, I was so nervous that I contemplated ignoring Asher's plan all together, but the off chance that it might work led me straight to the art room. Casey wasn't in there today, which was a good thing, and I stood there nervously for minutes before I became restless. 

I sat down with my sketchbook and tentatively continued working on the piece I had started a few days ago. Every few moments, I glanced at the door, but eventually five minutes passed and there was no sign of the boys. Then ten more minutes passed. Then twenty. And there was no sign of Asher or Nathan. 

In an attempt to mask my nerves, I just keep focusing on my artwork. The image was identifiably from the days we spent at the lake-- more specifically, I drew inspiration from the night that Nathan and I began dating. I had carved out a still lake that shimmered in the moonlight with a dark sky that let the stars shine down on the floating dock, where two figures lay down side by side. 

As I tried to recreate the beauty of the moment, I hear a familiar voice in the distance, sounding bored and drained. "...are we getting again?" 

"I need to change my grade in the art teachers computer," I hear Asher explain, his voice getting louder. "She always keeps it unlocked."

I look up the same moment that Nathan walks into the art room and lifts his gaze to meet mine. My lips part in shock when the air is knocked out of my by the power of his stare as it drinks me in with just as much surprise. My hand hovered over the paper motionlessly as I stared at him, attempting to shut my dropped jaw. 

The only reason I look away from Nathan's captivating icy gaze is because I hear the distinct sound of a lock. I immediately stand to look for Asher in the room, but the space he had been standing moments ago was empty, and the door was firmly shut. Nathan follows my gaze and mutters something before he takes two long strides and tries to open the door. 

It didn't open. Asher locked us in here. 

That was not a part of the plan.

Although I knew the answer, I ask, "Is it locked?" And realize how dumb of a question that was. The first ting I say since he walks in, and I ask if the locked door is locked. 

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