57| The End

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This is the last chapter!!! Can you believe it? I've never had a story go this long in chapters before, so thank you to everyone who bared with me and kept reading! When I started this story, it had a couple hundred views, but I loved the concept so much that I kept writing it, and I'm so happy I did. There will be an epilogue so no need to worry, but for now, happy reading! Xo

I stare at Nathan as I sit squished against him in the small hospital bed with his arm around me while he awaits my answer. My heart was racing in my chest, and for the first time in a day, it wasn't because I was nervous about his health and wellbeing. And even though he had indirectly already said it earlier, I couldn't help but feel the same flood of happiness overcome me. 

Nathan, the boy who races on an illegal racetrack at late hours of the night; the boy who doesn't let anyone inside his world except his closest friends; the boy who isn't afraid of anything; the boy who will pick a fight with just about anyone if he feels like it; the bad boy, loved me. Me, the girl that I'm sure most of the school hated by now, who was cheated on, made a fool out of, loved him back.

It wasn't even a question whether or not I felt the same, but the way Nathan was looking at me, like he was terrified I wouldn't, made me realize he had no idea just how much, and how long, I've loved him. 

"If staying here all night without sleep or a shower didn't make it obvious enough," A huge smile breaks out on my lips as I tease him. "Then I'll say it. I love you, Nate."

The way his eyes light up was unlike anything I've ever seen before. All traces of worry was quickly replaced with relief, and then more love, and he twisted his body to lean down and capture my lips in a kiss. My heart was beating a mile a minute from his blunt confession, and the more passion he put into the kiss, the more my mind melted to mush. 

Even though I was well aware how horrible I looked, and he had just woken up from a coma with a broken body, I have never wanted Nathan as much as I did right now. 

Nate pulls away, his lips still brushing my own with every hot breath he took, and he murmurs with a smile, "Say it again."

I laugh breathlessly and whisper, "I love you."

And again, his lips press against mine with the same amount of passion as his hand snakes up to cup my cheek and keep me where I am. I slide my arms around his neck, my fingers pulling on the ends of his hair in a desperate attempt to feel all of him. I almost forgot where we were and both of our physical and mental states until Nate pulled away slightly as a string of curses come from his mouth. 

"Shit, Nate, I'm so sorry," The words fall out of my mouth as I examine the way his face was screwed up in pain. "Are you okay? What hurts? Do you need me to-"

He quiets me down by pressing his lips against mine shortly, and then pulls away with a goofy smile, his eyes lit up in adoration. "I'm okay, kitten, I just need to be careful."

I relax a little from his words and breathe, "Okay, good."

After a pause, I grab onto the ledge of the bed, ready to get off so he could get more comfortable. Nathan, however, had an issue with this, and grabbed my wrist to stop me. I glance back at him to see he's frowning.

"Where are you going?" He asks, his voice low and a little concerned.

I reply quietly, as if a loud noise might hurt him, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm going to get off so you have more space. I don't want to hurt you."

"Don't leave," Nathan murmurs, tugging me back next to him. "You aren't hurting me. Stay, please."

Who could say no to that?

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