39 | Candlelit Conversations

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Even though I lied to Nathan when I said I needed a shower, I got one anyway after deciding that standing under the spray of the steaming water would somehow calm me down. And, for the ten minutes I was incased in the glass doors of my shower, I did feel a little better. 

But all of my newfound serenity was thrown out the window the moment I stepped into my closet and thought about what I was going to wear. I mean, what do you wear to this kind of thing? It wasn't a date, but it wasn't like we were already out and decided to stop and get something to eat. 

Like I always do whenever I encounter a confusing boy situation, I grab my phone and dial Stephanie's number. I balance my phone between my shoulder and ear as I towel dry my hair and survey the mass amounts of clothes that Steph filled my closet with just a few months ago. 

Finally, I hear Stephanie's mildly nervous voice answer, "Hey mom."

"Mom?" My brows furrow in confusion. "It's Lauren."

She forces a fake laugh. "Yes, mom, I'm still in my Sociology class, but my professor let me answer the phone in case it was an emergency. Is there something wrong?"

My lips curl into an amused smile as I try stifle my laughter to no avail. After a second, I preface, "I'll try to make this quick." And then I let out a deep breath, letting my smile drop as well. "I'm going out to dinner with Nathan but it's not a date so I don't know what to wear."

"You got in a car accident? Are you okay?" Stephanie asks quickly, and then I hear a muffled: "Mr. Stetson, I'm going to need to take this in the hall, if that's okay."

And then a muffled, "Of course, Stephanie."

I laughed to myself and, when I hear a door shut through the phone, Stephanie begins gushing. "Nathan invited you to dinner? That's so cute! I can't believe he finally manned up and did it."

"It's not a date," I repeat warily, though I still feel myself getting excited over it. 

"Of course it's a date," I can practically picture Steph rolling her eyes. "I would wear the light blue and white floral dress with those silver gladiator sandals I gave you for your birthday."

I was mildly impressed with how specifically she could recall my wardrobe but instead asked hesitantly, "A dress?"

"You would rather be overdressed than underdressed," Stephanie reminds me in a tone that suggests I should've already known this. "Have fun tonight but I have to go. Text me the details later, okay?"

"Thanks Steph," I feel a mild sense of relief wash over me. "I will."

Before I can hang up the phone, I hear the sound of a door opening and Stephanie's muffled voice explain, "It was just a fender bender," to her teacher. 

I hung up and began laughing at Stephanie's wild excuses before I face my closet once more. I scavenge through the dresses until I find the one Stephanie was talking about: it was a casual summer dress that actually fit me nicely. Next, I found the shoes, and slid into them. 

I worked quickly with the mascara wand through my eyelashes and decided that was all I was going to do with my makeup. When I hear my phone vibrate on my bed, my heart stammers in my chest at the realization that it was probably Nathan. 

As I'm brushing out my hair, I grab my phone and my suspicions are confirmed when I see his name sprawled across the screen. My heart was beating quickly in sheer anticipation as I swiped to open my phone and scan his message. 

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