Chapter 22

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Dedicated to @LittleDL for being such an amazing reader and constantly supporting this book! You're ma bae :* 

My first tutoring session with Tyler was in the school's library during break. It was surprisingly more productive than I had hoped to achieve in those 30 minutes. We covered half a chapter of Biology and even got work started on one of his not submitted assignments.

Tyler had asked if we could study tonight but with me being grounded, I didn't know if my parents would allow having friends over.

Are we on for tonight?

I stared at his text for a moment before sighing.

Alright, Ava, you were the one who offered him help and now that he's relying on you, you can't back down.

Taking a deep breath, I made my way down to the kitchen to ask mom if Tyler could come over tonight. She was stirring something on a pan while humming along to Elvis Presley's songs.

"Hey mom, what're you cooking there?" I asked, nearing her.

"Just making some pasta," she responded, brushing her hair out of face.

I waited and tried to figure out how to ask her before blurting anything stupidly.

"So, I've been tutoring this kid at school," I began.

"Really?" she exclaimed, looking up in surprise. "Wow, that's great, Ava."

"Yeah, if he doesn't pass all his subjects, the school won't let him graduate," I explained, trying to get her strategise slowly.

"Oh! Then, these tutoring sessions must be important," she commented.

"Yeah, they are," I agreed, "which is why it would be really nice of you if you let him come over tonight to study. Yes, I know I'm grounded but please, I promise I'll be on my best behaviour from now on."

She stopped stirring the pasta in the pot and turned to face me. I could tell she was weighing the pros and cons in her mind. Eventually, she sighed and said, "Alright, he can come over. Your study session should end by 10, though."

"Deal," I agreed with a wide grin.

I rushed up to my room to get my phone.

Can you make it here in 20?

I browsed through my phone for a few minutes before I got a response saying- I may have to exceed the speed limit but I'll be there. Text me the address.

Smiling to myself, I replied with my address and telling him to drive safe.


The doorbell rang and I sprung up from the couch in a hurry in hopes that I would have to avoid the whole awkward encounter between mom, Tyler and I.

I was breathless as I opened the door. Man, I really need to work out more. "Hi!"

"Hey," he replied, giving me a weird look, probably because I was panting like a dog.

I moved out of the way to let him come in. He looked around for a few moments and said, "Nice house."

"Thanks," I responded and reached forward to grab his arm and drag him up to my room. "My room's better, though."

Once we entered my room, I shut the door to my room and turned out around to look at Tyler. I was still holding onto his arm. Realising this, I let go quickly.

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