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"Art of War"
~We The Kings
^(the song is what I'd like to refer to as Blake's song...it kinda describes him, at least to me!)

This is an Unedited Rough Draft!!!
I originally wrote this 9+ years ago back in high school, so it won't be the best...

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Chapter TEN

Somewhere in the New Government District's Capital
Texas; Sector 26

(A few days after the Sector 23 Demolition Facility explosion...)

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The Secretary of the National Security Guard (also known as the NSG) and Vice Councilman of the New Government Order met outside the Head Councilman President's office, looking nervous and jittery, like they had too much coffee that morning.

The president's secretary sat at her desk in front of them, filling out reports and filing NGO documents. She enjoyed her work but had always been wary of her boss. She found him to be a very creepy man—but she would never think to say that to his face lest she might lose her job, or worse.

When the Secretary of NSG and the Vice Councilman arrived, looking a bit nervous, the secretary assistant understood their pain completely and instantly felt sorry for them; facing the leader of the NGO regime was no easy tasks.

A knock sounded from the door behind her. She nodded to the two men. "The New Government President will see you now."

Stiffly they walked in through the huge dark oak doors labeled "NEW GOVERNMENT ORDER" in bold, golden letters, walking into a cavernous room, lit only by the large floor to ceiling windows at the back of the room, the NGO seal on the carpet before them. Shelves of special NGO-approved books, along with various maps of the world, were draped across one part of the wall off to the side. Across the room from the men stood a monstrous dark oak desk that stood at least three feet tall, making the room appear like a courtroom where the men felt as though they were being judged. The big mahogany armchair behind the desk was turned around, facing the glass windows behind it, showcasing a clear blue sky that hung out over to the horizon. A flatscreen tv sat on a corner of the huge wooden desk.

"Gentlemen... come in." Spoke a deep voice from behind the tall-backed leather chair.

The Secretary of NSG and the Vice Councilman stepped forward warily onto the NGO's official seal.

The REBELZ: "The Beginning" (Book 1) *SAMPLE Rough Draft!*Where stories live. Discover now