36 2 0

POSTED: 2013
2nd Update: 7/23/15
3rd: Dec. 2020


This is an Unedited Rough Draft!!!
I originally wrote this 9+ years ago back in high school, so it won't be the best...

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PIC: Cartoon version of ELLA ^^^


~ | **-**-**- ( R ) -**-**-** | ~


  We continued on, crawling in heavenly silence for a while—which was SO nice. It remained relatively quiet, except when Jane hyperventilated (haha, geddit?) occasionally from her position toward the back of the procession. We had to stop a couple times so she could take a quick breather and get her sanity back.

When we were on the move, Jax would chime in to help us navigated our way through the labyrinth of tunnels throughout the facility. I was grateful for his help. Every vent corridor looked the same to me and I knew I would've got lost only five seconds into it if it weren't for him. Thank the homeo sapiens for technology!

The vent system was mainly pitch dark for the most part, forcing us to rely mostly by feel rather than sight. It was driving me crazy, I felt practically blind.

"OW—Jane! Hey, that was my face you just put your foot into!" Rickie rasped from the end. His voice echoed incredibly loud in the small space.

"Oopsies! My bad... Didn't mean to mess up that already-messed up face of yours." Jane cackled.

"Alright, shut up! Don't make me come back there and separate the two of you..." I warned. If they're loud bickering got us caught—or worse—I would personally strangle the both of them in the Afterlife and drag them back to Hell with me.

And don't think I wouldn't!

Jax decided to put in his two cents as if he thought he could make the situation any better...  "Oh hey, to get your mind off the crazies you're with, maybe I could make some shaft joke—"

"NO!" Jackie, Ella, and I all exclaimed, rather loudly, shooting that dumb idea down before it could encourage Rickie even further. Jane and Ella giggled in the background.

The REBELZ: "The Beginning" (Book 1) *SAMPLE Rough Draft!*Where stories live. Discover now