Ch 2. 13 Months Later

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Hi guys!
This story is about a seventh player of the Generation of Miracles. And it's a girl.
Please comment or vote on my story!


I picked up the basketball, and glared at my team. This was Rakuzan. We are the winners, and I am the  absolute emperor. I ordered my team to run around the school 75 times.


I was walking towards my limo, at the front gates of my school, and a commotion was up, blocking me from my limo. I slowly took out my scissors, and I flung them at the center of the crowd.

"Hey. That isn't nice to hit someone with scissors, Akashi!"

I recognized that voice. I turned around to face the crowd again, and I knew it was her. It was Kimiko, our seventh Generation of Miracles, the Silver Star.

My eyes widened, as she looked at me with her one silver, and one blue eye, and all the people in the crowd shut their mouths. She smiled at me, and tossed the scissor back at me.

Why were reporters here? What do they need to do here, out of all places? What a nuisance.

My butler came out of the car, and I motioned for him to come to me.

"Is Kimiko Yukimura famous?"

"Yes, she is a famous basketball player. She might as well just go into the NBA."

I smirked at her, as she waved to her fans, and reporters interviewed her. She changed over the years, and so have I.

"How do you know the heir to the Akashi family?"

"He's a very close friend."

"Do you like to play any sport?"

"Of course! I love every sport that's fun to me."

Kimiko kept answering their questions, so I decided to grab her arm, and drag her into my limo.


I was grabbed on my arm, and dragged into a limo. I looked up, and saw Akashi glaring at the reporters outside, as their cameras flashed madly, and reporters started yelling for the two of us.

"Akashi, what do you need?"

"Paul, drive us out of here."

"Yes sir."

I gave Akashi a bored face, as the limo drive us off. He returned the same face to me, and we both smiled. He was always kind to me, and protective.

"What high school are you going to join?"

I stared at him in confusion. I never thought of what school I wanted to join. I thought of the list of high schools.







All the schools sounded interesting, but I couldn't choose. Aomine= would challenge everyday. Kise= sweet, but bugging alot. Kuroko= silent. Murisakibara= food. Akashi= deadly, nice, and scissors. Midorima= too much fortune.

"Probably going to Kaijo High"

Akashi's eyes widened like two suns. He stared at me in disbelief, and looked at me as if my brain fell out.

"You would end up with a blonde bugging baby. Can you stand it?"

I nodded, and thanked him for the ride home. He dropped me off at my mansion, where all the butlers and maids bowed and curtsied to me.

"Welcome back, Kimiko-sama. We missed you dearly."

I knew they had feelings under the words, so I smiled. I always treat my servants like equal people.


I took a quick warm shower, and dried my hair in my fancy bathroom. I wore my fluffy bunny night clothes, and turned off the lights in my room. Then, I went under my covers of my bed.

What a interesting life. Wonder what's gonna happen next...

A there, I went to sleep, peacefully, while smiling.

I'm back, home, Japan.

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