Ch. 4 The Practice Match part 1

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"Yo! Where were you, Kimicchi!"

I turned around, and saw Kise running towards me. I tilted my head to the side, confused.


"You were about to smash your head on the tree"

I looked infront of me, and two centimeters away, was a thick tree trunk. I was standing next to a tree. I sighed, in frustration.

"Do you need anything?"

"Actually, I was going to tell you that we have a practice match today, at 5:00 pm"

My eyes widened. I never thought we would have a practice match this early. I hugged Kise in excitement, as his face turned a little red.

"Let's go! We have to hurry!"

I felt like I could run five thousand miles as we ran towards the gym.

"Ah! Kimiko-san, we have a match against Seirin, so please warm up"

Our coach informed me as Kise and I entered the gym. I jumped up and down.

"Kimicchi, you're really excited, huh?"

I nodded my head up and down, as I took a basketball from the rack nearby.

"Wanna play one-on-one?"

"Sure, Kimicchi! I'm not going easy on you!"

"Me neither. Be prepared to be beaten!"

Kise and I lined up in the middle of the gym. I checked the ball to him. I'm on offense, so he passed me the ball back to me. I ran to the other side of the court with inhuman speed, as I dunked it in the basket. Kise was left in the middle of the court, puzzled.

"Kimicchi! How'd you do that?!?!"

I laughed at him, as he pouted. He walked to me and started to cry with crocodile tears.

"Please tell me!"

"Fine, fine. That was just my speed. I did nothing, but run"

Kise gave me a smile, and grabbed the basketball on the floor.

"You sure don't stop practicing, do you? You never change!"

Coach Takeuchi suddenly blew his whistle. I guess we don't have a chance to have another round. Our team sat down on the benches, as Coach stood in front of us.

"Listen up! We're gonna divide the team up, into different parts of the game. The first players are...

Kise, Kasamatsu, Moriyama, Kobori, Nakamura, and Hayakawa.

Second game will be...

Kimiko, Kise, Kasamatsu, Nakamaru, and Moriyama.

Third game will be...

Kimiko, Kise, Kasamatsu, Kobori, and Hayakawa. Alright?"

We all nodded in response. We all turned our heads rowards the gym door, as we heard noises outside. It was Seirin.


Kise ran over to... Kuroko!!! And gave him his deadly death hug. I used Vanish, to hide from Kuroko, and the rest of Seirin.

"Psst, Kise, what's Kuroko doing here?"

Kise stared at me and gave me a blank stare. He cupped his mouth, and whispered in my ear.

"He joined Seirin High. By the way, they have a guy who's called, 'The Miracle who did not become one of the Miracles', so be careful. They basically have two Miracles on their team"

"Ooh, this will be very intresting! Let's do our best!"

I yelled at our team, as they cheered back. Our captain, Yukio Kasamatsu, glanced at me, as I looked at him. We both blushed, and looked away.

Why do I feel this way? Oh well. The game will start!

"Who's the Seventh Miracle!?!? Bring him out!"

The red head with black ends yelled. What weird people. Kuroko kneed the guy, as he looked at him. Kuroko pointed at me, as I gave them a confused glance.

(To be continued in part 2)

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