6) Intruder

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             I couldn’t make out anything about this person from the shitty camera angle. Note to self: fix that as soon as this person is dealt with. I picked up the mask that I wear while in the Fun House and pulled up the hood to my hoodie. I started to walk away but I didn’t want this stranger to wonder into the Kill Room. I flicked a switch and the door swung shut.

               I walked over to the door and behind it was my old friend. Raven is the only thing in my life that has never let me down. I grabbed my scythe and rubbed the blade fondly. There were only good times that Raven and I have had together. I held him in my hand dragging him down the hall behind me. I could hear the scratching sound of his blade against floor as we walked.

           I made it to the front entrance and saw the lock that I had in place had been popped open. Someone wanted to get in the Fun House badly. I heard giggling and my head snapped to the side. Looking down the hall that I was sure the noise had come from. I closed the doors that the intruder had left slightly ajar. No one was getting out of here alive tonight.

           I walked the halls and saw beer bottles on the floor. They would come in here and degrade my place of peace. No one but teenagers could be so rude and so foolish as well. My hand tightened on Raven as silent rage started to build inside of me.

          “What was that,” a female voice said. I frown at the hint of familiarity to it. The high and low notes hinted at the fact that this wasn’t the first time that I had heard this voice. Yet at the moment for the life of me I couldn’t place it.

         “It was nothing,” A deeper male voice said. I knew that voice as well. I was sure that he was some jock off the football team that Jake had made me hang out with at least once. Once again I couldn’t place the voice with a name or face. Why had these two wondered into my Fun House on this fine night? I really needed to fix that camera too. I only saw one person enter.

            “I’m scared,” The girl said but the giggle afterwards meant that she really wasn’t.

          “Don’t be scared. No one is here but you and me,” the male voice said. I smiled to myself. He didn’t think that there was anyone here. There was silence for a moment and then moaning. That kind of fun was not allowed in the Fun House. I moved closer to the room that I was sure the voices were coming from and opened the door.

           The girl saw me first and pushed her partner away and held her shirt up hiding her blue lace bra. I looked over at the guy. He was stood there in stunned silence looking at me. I could see his eyes go from me to Raven.

          My eyes fell on the girl again as she redressed herself. She sat on the stretcher that was in the room that they had chosen looking at me. She was looking into my eyes, which were the only things that could be seen through my mask. It had been a while since I was in the Emergency Room part of the Fun House but why shouldn’t it taste blood again as well.

         “Who are you? You fucking freak.” The boy found his voice at last and decided to insult me. I was the one holding the scythe but he wanted to insult me. This is why I hated jocks the most. Too many hits to the head and you’re brain dead.

           I smiled under my mask turning Raven to the blunt side of the blade and smacking the jock boy across the temple. He crumbled to the ground and the girl gasped. I walked over to her and put my finger to her lips just in case she wanted to start screaming or something. Nothing was more annoying to me then when girls started screaming.

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