16) Hide & Seek

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Hide & Seek

    Back to the now I needed to handle Mack. He knew who I was but more importantly he was coming for me. The smart thing to do would have been to leave the Fun House, to face me on his own ground. Mack wasn’t as smart as he thought he was, if he thinks he has a chance in hell to beat me here. I took another moment looking at the scream to see where he was.

            Putting in more cameras then the one at the door was a smart move. I would see what was in the halls or rather who was in the house. I could also see inside of the Kill Rooms. Ann was hiding in a corner shaking. My eyes went to Jade she was muttering quickly about how she was sorry for fucking up.

            “Jade!” I yelled and she jumped at my anger. “Take care of her now.” I said and she nodded throwing another I’m sorry my way. Such reckless mistake she would have to pay in blood later for making it. For now I needed to find Mack. I took one last look to see where he was getting his location before holding on to Raven and heading out.

            I walked the halls going to where I had last seen Mack. I frowned when he wasn’t there, but of course he wasn’t going to sit around and wait for me to slaughter him. Ha! According to him he was going to be the one that was doing the slaughtering. But I wasn’t some weak child that Mack thought I was. He wanted to call me the white devil. I would should him how much of a demon I could be. I would send him straight to hell. If there is a hell I would be sure to send Mack there.

            I started going door to door opening them looking around inside the room leaving out again. I smiled to myself. So Mack had a game of his own. He wanted to play hide and seek with me. He wanted to play a game in my Fun House.

            “Come out come out where ever you are.” I sang out as I looked in another room for Mack. I cleaned the rooms in that hall and frowned to myself. I heard something fall over and my head snapped in that direction. I smiled slightly going over to that door. I used Raven to push it opened and reached for the light switch. After failing to turn it on I moved with caution.

            My eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness of the room but if Mack was in here that meant that his eyes had adjusted already. I took another step and heard the crunch of broken glass under my boots. I swore in my mind. Mack was somewhere in this room and I couldn’t see shit. I heard rushed footsteps behind me and I swung around. I smiled as I held Raven in my hand tightly. It was as if I was in a game myself. Oh the joy of a game.

            I hissed out in pain when something cut my arm. Mack blended in with the darkness so well and here I was with my pale skin in this darkness. I was probably like a night light for him. This was going to get me nowhere fast.

            “What’s wrong white devil?” Mack’s voice hissed from somewhere.

            “Wrong.” I laughed out touched the cut on my arm. It was blood. It was my blood. This pain was freeing. I wasn’t like Jade I didn’t enjoy pain. I’ve felt true pain so few times in life. We must take pride in the lessons learned in blood. I raised my fingers to my lips and licked away the blood that coated them. “MMMM let me being the fun.” I said and turned and fled the room.

Death Becomes UsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ