17) 99 Problems

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99 Problems

    I yawned as I sat at dinner with That Woman and The Man. It was awkward silence as I pushed food around on my plate. No one was saying a word all you could hear was fork touching plate. I could feel That Woman’s eyes on me but just like every night The Man was looking down at his plate or at her or pretty much anywhere but at me.

            “May I be excused?” I asked staring at The Man daring him to give me the wrong answer, to give me a reason, any reason to rebel against me. Since mother died The Man had been on egg shells. Only saying what was needed to say, only punishing me when I crossed the line. Only begin there to give me what anyone would need, a roof over my head, food in my belly, and clean clothes on my back. Love and attention and anything remotely father like was overlooked. I don’t blame though. I have and always shall be my mother’s son.

            “Sit Skylar we need to talk.” He said wiping his mouth clean as he put his fork down. I was half way out of my hair but I sat back down when I was told to. Not because I was told to but because I wanted to know what The Man had to say to me. I watched as That Woman wiped her mouth clean as well; standing up she removed the plates from the table. I sat there and waited. My hands folded on the table, me sitting straight up in my chair. Oh how well I play the good son that is when I want to.

            “What is it?” I asked never one to draw out something when it could be said and over within a matter of seconds.

            “It’s about the hospital.” The Man said and my fingers clenched at the mention of the Fun House. “We were thinking that it would be best if we did something with it at last.” My eyes went from him to her when he said we. “That we would tear it down and build a new one in its place.” I sat in silence for a few moments. Things like these aren’t to be rushed. One must take them in. They must be allowed to sink into your mind, roll around in your skull, and then once and only once you were sure of your answer were you to speak.

            “No.” I answered simply and started to stand.

            “No.” My father hissed at me. I turned my eyes cutting into him. I wasn’t going to back down because he was my father. I wasn’t going to scare because he was bigger than me. It was only two days ago when I took Mack down I have taken on people twice my size and ten times scarier than The Man. I did however smile and take my seat again. I wanted to hear this. I wanted to listen to him try and fail to bully me out of my Fun House.

            “You have my answer.” I told him my hands folded again as I sat at the other end of the table looking him in the eyes. He had no power over me and he knew it. How could he not. What little power and respect he had he lost the moment he screwed the slut.

            “You’re mother always wanted to rebuild the hospital.” He said.

            “My mother is no longer with us.” I answered cold and lifeless. I didn’t have a tone to my voice because I hallowed myself against her death ages ago. After my first game I overcame it. Beside I knew what she wanted. I wasn’t going to let The Man bring her into this, allow him to use her to try and guilt me out of the Fun House. I smiled briefly it wasn’t like I was ever going to give up the Fun House. Not to him, not to anyone.

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