14) A-Maze-Ingly Deadly

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 A-Maze-Ingly Deadly

    It was beautiful, it was more the beautiful it was perfect. Jade and I slaved over the last three days to build it in the biggest Kill Room in the Fun House. A maze was built for this game. Each of the players were resting in there little corner of the room right now. They all started to come, to look around seeing no one but themselves in the room.

            “Help!” Carla was the first to cry out. The others heard her voice looking around knowing that they weren’t alone in this now. “Please help.” Carla said.

            “Where are we?” Ann yelled this time. I had the perfect view of them all up here in the control room. I could see each of them in their own spot, see the panic and anger on their faces. See the wheels in there head turning as they tried to think, as they wondered who it was this time that they fucked over and was coming for them.

            I watched Mack. The others were yelling and calling out for help for each other for fucking answers in their words, but Mack was just sitting. He was just waiting as if he knew this was a game, as if he was sure already that he was going to win it.

            “Hello and welcome to the Fun House.” I said and they all looked up and around wondering where my voice was coming from. “I am Mr. Reaper and you all are the lucky five that has been chosen for this game.”

            “Let me out!” Carla yelled. “I’m pregnant! You son of a bitch I’m pregnant.” I glance over at Jade who was watching them just as intensely as I had been. She was into the game. She knew death and pain was well on its way and she couldn’t wait for it. This would be the first game she got to watch. You never forget your first. I still remember mine.

            “Where are we?” Ron yelled. He was knees to chest in a corner.

            “You are in my Fun House.” I answered. “You will play the game. You have been placed at your own start in the maze. You can find weapons throughout maze. The game is to get to the center, find the one key that opens the door, and then make it to the door. If it’s the wrong key the door will not open. If more than one person is still alive the door will not open. You have thirty minutes to make it out of the room.”

            “What if we don’t play your game?” Ann asked. Awww how cute, the hooker didn’t want to play my game.

            “I supposed you don’t have to play, but you all have been breathing in a very deadly mixture of mandrake and wormwood. I won’t go into the details about what fun and awesome things are going to happen to your body. Coma and then death are well on its way. My point is you can die or you can fight to live.”

            “Mr. Reaper.” Mack said and I looked over at his corner. He was just standing there not looking around or anything he was just waiting for the game to start.

            “What Mack?” I answered him.

            “After I win this game I’m going to gut you white devil.” I smiled at the name. Mack was no idiot. He knew I was me. That just makes everything more fun. He was going to gut me if he wins. I guess we will find out soon enough if he has what it takes to kill me.

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