19) Closer

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      I sat in the cafeteria alone at my table. Jade and Jake had been MIA all day so I was left alone. Of course Jake hasn't spoken so much as a word to me since I dropped him off at his house after he was released from the station. He was mad at me as if it wasn't me that saved his ass from a night in jail. As if it was my fault that the cops were on to him, but just like I told Jake if I wanted to screw with him there were funnier ways to do just that.

            My eyes shifted to the left of me when I heard someone walking over to me. I smiled when I saw that it was Alyssa that was making her way over. Ever since our first date we have been on a few more. I wouldn't give her the title of my girlfriend but she was the only person I was interested in at the moment. I frowned inwardly. It was impolite to lie to one’s self. Alyssa wasn't the only girl I wanted. I wanted Jade as well.

            “Hey.” She said not taking a seat with me but instead standing in front of me. I gave her the once over. The dress she had on today hardly made it mid-thigh on her. The boots she was wearing made it look like she was ready for a party not a day at school.

            “Hey.” I said and she grabbed my hand.

            “Let's get out of here.” She told me and I licked my lips.

            “We're in the middle of school.” I said and she rolled her eyes at me.

            “Come on Sky.” She said pulling me out of my chair. I abandoned my food there as I allowed her to lead me out of the side door. We walked quickly looking over our shoulders for teachers as we made it to the student parking lot. After we were in my car pulling off Alyssa let out a scream of joy.

            “Where to?” I asked looking over at her and truly seeing how beautiful she was. She twisted one of her curls around her finger.

            “Anywhere you want.” She said and I reached over and touched my knee. I took in a breath and trying to focus on driving as her hand crept up my leg. How many years have I wanted this and now it was here at last. Alyssa in my car touching me it was like something out of my dream. “I hear the cops are after Jake.” Alyssa said and my eyes went back to her. This time the first thing I noticed about her was how low cut her dress was so that I could see her breast bursting out.

            “Jake will be fine.” I told her and frowned to myself. It was when the cops questioned me that Alyssa started to see me as more than the freaky pale child that has some classes with her. Maybe she was into that kind of thing. Alyssa had a thing for the bad boy. Now that it was Jake getting all the attention again I wondered if she would flip and rush back to him.

            “What about you Sky? Will you be fine?” She asked me rubbing my shoulders as she did so.

            “Yes.” I answered.

            “I know where I want to go.” She said and I took another glance at her and then nodded and followed her directions. I frowned when I noticed she was leading me to the Fun House. I pulled up and looking at the abandon hospital that was more of a home to me then the place where I lay my head. “They said its haunted.” She said getting out of the car. I gritted my teeth against the idea of Alyssa walking into the Fun House. “We should go in.” She said and I looked up at it again. It loomed in the background looking like a faith worst then death. It was overcast and starting to rain and all that was missing was the cracking lighting that flashes and warns you not to go anywhere near there.

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