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I sat beside Kiera and rubbed her head. She was sleeping peacefully when I came in. Kiera is my everything, and I don't think I could ever function if something happen to her.

I sniffled a little when I thought about how aggressive Jason was to me. He never been that way with me. Something is up and I'm going to find out. "Rima, Jay want you." I cringed a little. What does this boy want from me.

I ask Toya about him and she said he is known for his playish ways. I have a daughter anyway so a nigga is the last thing on my mind. What's messed up is how his ass try to act like he care about me and my daughter.

He don't know me or her, and I'm going to tell Toya to stop him from being around her. "Rima," Dana called out causing me to sigh, "Tell him I don't feel like talking." I heard her walk away and it got quiet. I leaned back on the headboard and closed my eyes. Soon I heard someone coming up the stairs then my door swung open.

"So you don't feel like talking now?"I open my eyes and saw Jay leaning on my dresser. "I am trying to get some rest may you please just leave." Kiera started moving in her sleep then she stop. "Leave before you wake her up."

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why your face look like that." "Nigga why you care." He look like he was gon say something but didn't. "Why you so hard headed?" I shrug and folded my arms. He chuckled and pointed his fingers at me. "Hard head make a soft ass."

He look at me long and hard before leaving the room. I look down and saw my hands shaking a little. I got up and walk to my window. I saw him going to his car and Darnell not too far behind. I felt something strange when I saw him leave. Its like I didn't want him to go.

I frowned a little and shook my head. I know better than to mess with a nigga like him. I can do bad all by myself. I grab some cloths and walk out the room. On my way to the bathroom I saw Dana coming up the stairs.

She froze up when she saw me. "What's wrong with you?" She quickly shook her head. Weird ass. I rolled my eyes and kept walking to the bathroom. I really don't got time for her shenanigans. I turned the water on and let it run. I made sure it was really hot because I need to relax.

I took my cloths off and stared at my body. I turned left and then right. I look great and I had a beautiful face, but I don't feel great or beautiful. After a couple of minutes I stop looking and got in the tub. Everything felt perfect once I was all the way in the tub. It felt so good in this nice hot bath that I didn't know if I should cry or laugh. I laid back and let sleep take over me.

1 hour later

"DAMN MAY I TAKE A SHIT!!" I jumped from Dana's screaming. I clutch my chest and tried to calm my breathing. I soon was feeling pissed. "WHY THE HELL YOU SCREAMING!!" "I NEED TO TAKE A SHIT!" I sighed, "Wait I'm almost out." I didn't hear nothing so I hurried up.

I did my hygiene and put my underwear and sports bra on. I forgot to get me a shirt so I had to go out with my basketball shorts on. I open the door and walk towards my room. I saw Dana leaving her room mumbling, "Speak up motherfucker." "I SAID WHY THE FUCK YOU WAS HOLDING UP THE DAMN BATHROOM!!" I mug her and told her to shut the hell up.

"No, you shut the hell up because if that was me, you wouldn't stop talking about that shit for hours." Soon we was going back and forward insulting each other. "Aye I don't wanna come home to all that shit." We stop and saw Jason coming up the stairs. Once he was up he look at me up and down, and he did the same for Dana.

"Why y'all arguing?" Dana didn't even answer him as she went in the bathroom."She irritating the hel-" "Watch your mouth." I look at him like he was crazy. I almost cuss him out but my phone started ringing. I went in my room slamming my door shut and lock it. I already owe his ass for this morning. I reach for my phone and saw an unknown number.

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