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"Tell me," I screamed to Jason, and all he did was stood there staring at me. "I-I-I don't know." He said but I can feel he is lying. "That bitch cause too much drama for us back then, so why would she feel the need to contact you now." I said putting my hands on my hips.

I can't stand Meagan uptight ass. She would always think she was better then everyone at school, and expect everything to go her way. She got all the boys, all the money, and all the brains. Almost every girl wanted to be like her, and dudes wanted her. I dislike her ass so much, just hearing her name irritates me.

She pick on me everyday when we was real little, but that stop once she moved away. When I turned 13 I gain this shape that turned every nigga head in town. My mom never really cared for me so she did everything she could to get me out her face. When I needed money she gave me hundreds just so I wont bother her.

Though dad loved me dearly. He gave me everything I wanted and was there for me whenever. He gave me money, but not as much mom did. So I started going to the mall with my cousin, and buying everything I could fit in. My cousin mom was kinda like a friend to us. She wasn't strict at all in fact she was more laid back.

She bought me cloths that no girl our age should have. She gave me make up, and fix my hair up and everything. My father didn't like that at all, but I promise him that he didn't have to worry about me. When he died that's when everything went down hill for me.She taught me everything I needed to know.

From boys, to that time of the month, to attitude, to common sense, and most important independence. If it wasn't for her, and my brother I don't know where I would be. I love my brother, and it hurts bad to know he hate me. I must admit I stabbed him in the back big time. I tried reaching out to him, but he block me from everything that involves him.

I even messed up him and Jason friendship. If it wasn't for my brother I would have never met Jason. He would come over to chill with me and my brother, and ever time we was alone I would try to get close to him. Every girl knew I like him especially Meagan, but like I said she gets whatever she wants.

It hurt my feelings when I heard they was together. Whenever she would come around us we eventually end up fighting or arguing. People took her side and said I was jealous which I was, but I fought her because she an evil ass bitch. Then one day I was gon tell him how I really felt. He came over to my house, and I was ease dropping on him and my brother conversation.

My heart was broken when I found out he got her pregnant. What made it worse was when he said he didn't want to be a father at the moment. Even though I hated that girl, I felt bad that she had to raise her baby by herself. Meagan Townsend is one lady that I can't be around, but there is this other girl I didn't like either.

She was the next girl Jason was with, and for some reason they broke up too. I saw that as my chance to get with Jason. I guess that's why she didnt like me. It took awhile because he love that girl so much, but I finally had his attention. I was so happy to be with him. My brother didn't like that me and him was together, but he got over it.

Meagan and that other girl would always be standing around the corner waiting for me. What caught me off guard was that the other girl was pregnant too. I curse his ass out that day because he was old enough to know what a condom was. He promise me that she was cheating, and that wasn't his baby. I was happy the day she moved.

"At least tell me Jason," I said slowly and he look down. "She work at the hospital." "OK what that suppose to mean." "She was there when I took Dana to the hospit-" "SO NOW SHE KNOW DANA!!" I felt my self get so frustrated that I had to sit down. Thank god mom took the kids out to the park today.

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