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I stared at my mom in shock. I haven't seen her in years. Now here she is standing infront of me. She tightened her lips before speaking. "I can't believe I'm looking at y'all faces. I thought I wasn't gon ever see y'all again."

Everyone was staring at us. I closed my eyes, and breathe in then out. Too much shit happening at once for me. "Follow me." I said as I pulled her by her wrist and out the room.

I stop once we was on the stairway. I check around to see if anyone was in here with us. I look back at her as my eyes watered up, "Why are you here." She held her arms out, "I'm so sorry baby please forgive me. I miss talking to y'all. I love yall so much. I'm sorry I wasn't there Laqueta. I'm sorry for not caring. Please let me be in your life. I wanna see my grands and great grands." She was crying and shaking a little.

I had to turned my head because I was close to breaking down, "You need to leave." My voice was shaky a little but I didn't care. She shook her head as she beg.

"Atleast let me hug them. Let me talk to them." She stared at both of us as she cried. I threw my hands up, "Get her away from me Marshall." "Hell nawl I might say some shit I might regret." He said as he glared at her.

I left out then I headed down the hall, but I stop once I felt my knees get floppy. I slid down the wall as I burried my head in my hands. I felt Marshall arms wrap around me. I started crying in his chest. "How could she just up leave like that." "Come on Laqueta calm down." He said as he rock me from side to side.

I look up at him, "I want to let her in, but not now. Can you get information on her." He nodded and I hugged him. I love her I just hate how she was. Just like I told Dana you only have one mother, I meant that. So why would I give my mom the cold shoulder once she come back to her senses. Hopefully she did and this ain't a joke.


I sat there in silence staring at Jermaine. This shit is scaring the hell out of me. I'm just gon act like I don't see this, maybe I'm just seeing things.

The door open, and we saw Bullet and Laqueta come in. Laqueta eyes was red as hell. I wonder what Laqueta mother did for her to be like this. Bullet look calm but irritated.

Rima stood up, "Dana. Toya is coming she said she want to see Jermaine." I look at her ass like she was crazy. Why in the hell would she invite her, and if Toya wanted to come why she didn't ask me.

Dana rolled her eyes, "Why is you friends with her Rima. That girl don't like me, and she dont give a damn about my baby." Rima waved her off, "Girl please you know Toya is crazy. Plus she be like that with everybody, and she do care about your baby. She been asking about you nonstop."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "If she was so worried then why she ain't down here like the rest of us." Rima shrug, "Maybe her boyfriend want let her." I shook my head at her. I hope she realized that Toya ain't no damn friend.

Rima started laughing, "Awwwl you in yo feelings now." "Hell nawl I'm glad she moved on. That girl crazy as hell. I thank God everyday I dont have to deal with her. Unless it has something to do with my child."

Her phone went off and she answered it, "Hello....ok." She hung up and did a little dance, "What was that." I said and she stop,"My happy dance." "Ain't shit happy about that."

Five minutes later there was another knock, and then the devil walk into the room. I look down to her stomach, and it was out like a motherfucker too. She rushed over to Dana hugging her tight, "I'm so so so sorry Dana. No one should have to go through this."

Dana smiled at her, "Thank you. I'm surprised your here." Toya gave her a big smile, "I don't care how many times we bump heads you still my friend. Now where is the baby."

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