The Lost Ones

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Chapter Three: The Lost Ones.

A shout woke me.

Stirring under my warm furs, another distant shout rang open. I cracked open an eye, tensing as I waited for the sunlight to hit me, but it was still dark outside. A groan of discontent sounded deep in my rasping throat. The other women began to stir too, murmurs spreading throughout the room.

I sat up, sliding my legs of the warmth as there came the sound of another shout. Too distant to hear what they were saying. Vanya shot up, her eyes wild. Her silvery hair was mussed, but with one shaking hand down the back of her skull, it was all calmed. Confusion clouded her blue eyes, before she fixed them on me.

"What was that?"

I gave her a dry look as I stood, shucking on my leathers. "I am not an all-seeing eye Vanya. I do not know."

She threw me an injured look while I ignored. Another shout rang from the outside, the noise gathering strength. I jammed my feet into boots and the others followed my lead, strapping on their armour. My body screamed that I had barely slept, and that I had a few more hours before the others and I had to ride out into the valley.

"Have the other Paladins somehow reached us already?" Arma asked.

"No. They can't have. It must be – "

A shriek pierced the night, ringing through the halls. Only a moment passed before that sound was answered, and my blood turned to ice.

"That sounds like a hunting call." Gilda murmured.

Vanya met my gaze solemnly. "Something is wrong."

We pushed out into the wall, where the torch-light was jumping alight to warn us of upcoming danger. The windows that stretched along in front of the doors were frosted, but I could catch the flicker of orange as the lights atop the walls of Dratlan was lit up, a beacon into the night. The shouting was louder, rough commands barked in the distance.

More Elves poured out of their bedrooms, armed to the teeth. I caught their eyes, resolve passing through all of us.

"Why haven't they rung the –" Vanya stopped just as deep bells began to toll. The sound shuddered through the walls of Dratlan. Above, the ceiling gave a deep groan.

"There it is," Vanya whispered, suddenly sounding very small. "There it is."

"Come." I said, my voice hard. "We're wasting time."

They followed me down the winding stairs. The shouting got louder, and a coldness prickled down my skin. A budding awareness that something big was happening.

Dratlan had been attacked before – by treasure seekers, by raiders and bands of thieves but we had always fought them off. Tonight, felt different.

I stepped out onto the snow, catching sight of the figures darting along the walls. They were the night guards, illuminated by the fire of the massive braziers. The horn still bellowed amidst the shouts, and around us, the white walls of Dratlan were trembling.

Above the night sky was awash with stars, glimmering and beautiful on such a strange night. Below however, darkened figures dashed to their posts, sure and confident. We had done this before – there was no need for panic.

A shriek tore through the night once more.

Again, it was answered.

"That sounds like an animal..." I whispered, my brows knotting.

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