A Friendly Welcome.

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Chapter Ten: A Friendly Welcome.

I spent the rest of the day artfully avoiding anyone who looked to speak to me. Not that anyone wanted to – most of the people here seemed content to stare at me and whisper behind my back as I passed, unaware that I could catch every word that fell from their lips.

It didn't bother me – not in anyway that mattered. There was no room for hurt at the comments of strangers. I found a nook of space on the walls of Haaling where I could stare out over the river. An expanse of snow stretched out for miles, dotting the thick forests where the pines creaked loudly in the sharp wind. I was covered in the cloak that Fyr had left in my room, curled on a flat portion of the wall.

I touched the aged leather of the book in my hand, before carefully, gently turning the first page. The symbol was etched onto it again, drawn in a cursive hand. I glanced towards the date again, blinking rapidly as the language shifted before me. Heat travelled sluggishly up my arms and I curled my hands tighter on the blood, even though silver shards of light shone, slanting across the parchment.

Frowning, I began to read as the words flickered in front of me. It was hard and head-pounding.

'If you can read this, I am deeply sorry.

One those who have truly touched the power of the Divide or the Abyss can truly understand it's language. It is called Ekini and it is a dead language of tortured souls and diseased minds. You now belong to it. I had to do terrible, terrible things for there to be peace. Such is the way of life, but I could not contain what he had done. No one could – not even him.

So, you are suffering for it. The power held in the three tablets of Asha'da is something I managed to steal from Devon Trevil. I sought for a way to send it back- to give it back to the sentients he had stolen it from because their anger is a great and terrible one, but none can breach the barrier into the Divide.

Have faith – the power contained in those stones turns putrid souls mad or destroys them instantly. There are people in this world who will bear its burden for the good of others and perhaps it will not destroy those people as quickly as it did Trevil.

One day, when I am long dead, the Nirani will come to search for the tablets I have hidden. To the person who is reading this, I say –

Stay true, your test has come.

- Ashda'da.'



I couldn't sleep.

Not in those strange beds. In the empty room with nothing of value to me except for the two hounds nestled on the carpet in front of the dead fire. Haaling, beyond the snow on my window sill was sluggishly moving through the night as guards on the walls watched the winter expanse before them.

I slipped from my bed, dragging a heavy dressing gown over my shoulders. I left the room, passing another bedroom where the light still shone under the door. Another soul unable to find sleep tonight. I wandered aimlessly in the empty halls of Atoll, staying away from the Magins quarters.

Though the dressing-gown kept me warm, I felt the chill of the stone through my bare feet and my breath misted in front of me. I stopped at a long window-sill, where the glass-less window overlooked the river. Here, the night was a blazing canvas of the stars. The swollen moon hung among its glittering companions, watching the tragedies playing out in her dark domain.

From Ashes and Snowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن