Ringing Heads

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Chapter 20: Ringing Heads.

My tongue felt like dust.

The winter's light was too violent as I rolled out of bed with shaking limbs as someone knocked rapidly on the door. It felt like an anvil was being struck inside my head and I could feel a mood descending down upon me like a thunderstorm. My brows were furrowed and dark, my eyes heavy as I glanced at my reflection in the water bowl before washing my face, my fingers scraping against the skin as if to peel away the grogginess of my body.

The door peeled open slowly.


A slim cut male stood in the hallway. A Magin who looked to be drowning in his robes of pale green whose hands began wringing together when I stared down at him. I wondered if he could smell the ale on my breath or note the redness of my eyes. Then, I wondered if it would fuel rumours about me throughout Haaling.

"Miss Birchwood, good morning." He greeted me slowly, carefully.

The corners of my mouth quirked, dryly amused by the cautiousness of this male. It was as if I were an animal to be tread around and one wrong move would send me snarling and snapping.

"Is there a reason you're banging on my door, Magin? You are not a messenger of Captain Bryant's or of the Magister. Or at least I don't recognise you."

He seemed to balk, cheeks colouring. "I- the Magister requested that I fetch you before the Magins begin their training."

That dry smile tightened. What a clever little woman that Magister was turning out to be. To strike when I was vulnerable, when I could barely think beyond getting a glass of something cool. Did she know that those of Elven blood were weak to human drinks? Humans could not bear the strength of our Elven wine, and we could not touch of their ale. I could tolerate both, but I had never sampled human alcohol before. It had left me reeling and unsettled.

She had waited until now to strike. I was adamant that the secrets of Dratlan, our training and methods would remain safe-guarded. I was the Keep's last guardian. The Magister knew that but had imagined what nuggets of knowledge she could gleam from my fuzzy, tired brain.

"Tell her that I will be down in a few minutes." I gave no other parting words before closing the door. I belted my waist, the comfortable weight of the Alelang hanging from my hip. When I dressed in comfortable training clothes, I left the room. The hounds had roused as I dressed and followed me as I strode down the hall. The click of their nails on the stone was a comforting, lulling sound as I wound my way through the Atoll.

The Magins were waiting in the training yard, huddled together against the crisp morning air. An unfamiliar woman stood before him, sharp eyes cutting immediately to me as I approached. Her upper lip curled, and her eyes flashed at the sight of me.

"Miss Birchwood." Magister Fyr stepped away from the crowd.

Even amongst the other Magins, she looked tiny and unassuming. There was no glassiness in her eyes from last night's celebrating and her smile was warm and inviting. Crimson hair was slicked back beneath a fur lined hood. Tiny – vulnerable, but her eyes were sharp and weighed by knowledge that I was curious to glean.

"You called a Magin to fetch me?" I eyed the other woman, resisting the urge to shift defensively as she continued to stare at me as if I were a specimen, a bug beneath her boot.

"You are not a dog to be fetched, Aviana." Fyr said lowly. "I asked you to come for a reason."

Her eyes, usually warm but sharp were now growing cold as she looked over to the other woman. Zeer lapped at her hand and she only moved her hand to scratch his thick head. "Aviana, may I introduce you to Arbitor Zena Lanklin. She is currently specialising in fire casting too, and trains directly under me. Zena, may I introduce to you, Aviana Birchwood."

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