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Chapter  36 -  Geese

The other Captain's did not share the Commander's loathing of me. To them, I was a horse that could walk on its legs and wield a sword. I was a talking cow. They ghosted my steps like a gaggle of biting geese, barking and honking questions at me.

My ears ached.

"Your fortifications will not stand, Miss Birchwood." Captain Rydun...Asha'da, I hoped that was his name. He hasn't corrected me yet.

"Haaling was always just a Paladin outpost. It was never meant to withstand what Dratlan, or Lorlin had been prepared to withstand."

The human's expression crinkled, his mouth setting. I strolled into Atoll, slicking my braid over my shoulder. Gwen, who had been cutting through the arched entrance hall, looked up at my arrival.

A grin spread wide.

"Shiny!" She changed direction, cutting towards me. "How do you get Captains so enamoured.What is your secret?"

"Secret?" I hissed.

A servant skirted the edge of the group, nervous and watchful of the men in shining armour and loud, boastful voices. She handed a missive to me and several watchful eyes tracked its path into a secure pocket in my tunic.

"If the Legion wishes to grow, you must find a larger hold." Captain Rydun hedged. "I could help you with that Birchwood."

That idea had been stirring in the back of my mind. It rose stubbornly, but I did not dare to speak it aloud. I had to run it by my people first and I was afraid Kohen would seriously object to the idea.

"I will keep that in mind, Captain."

"Do you have the time, Birchwood." Another one piped up. "You don't. Be prepared to watch Haaling burn when your enemies come to you. And judging by the reports we've all been getting, they will come."

Gwen and I shared a look. Her lips pinched at my obvious annoyance and I found myself then trying to mask a smile, a giggle even as the Captains clucked and gathered together nervously in front of the towering, broad-shouldered and bold Troll.

Then, the wolves were released. Not real wolves. A servant shouted in alarm as Kohen appeared like a wraith, opening the door to let two massive, bristly hounds bound into the main hallway. The next moment, he was gone as if he was never there at all.

"So, it is true," Captain Rydun hummed. "You have managed to tame Crag Hounds."

I resisted a smile. "Who ever said they were tame, Captain?"

People cleared a path for the running hounds. Long tongue hanging out over razor sharp teeth. Burning eyes of amber, and muscles that rolled and coiled under fur and skin. Even Zeer paused as he eyed the Captains, unsure. Arno immediately disliked all of them, and I lay a hand on Gwen's arm as he began to snarl.

I had remembered that she feared them, but I wouldn't let them hurt her. They weren't particularly vicious, but they were still Crag Hounds and the stories of their attacks were rarely dramatized.

"Excuse me," I pasted a polite smile on my face, facing the Captains. "Let me tend to my hounds. There will be time for questions later. I do believe that Captain Bryant and Commander Vossen are waiting for you?"

I didn't believe that. It seemed like Captain Bryant was doing his best to keep the Commander away from me and I wasn't going to question it. Not when the man seemed to spit an insult every time I drew near.

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